SKAM: Isak Valtersen – Type 9w8


Type 9s are known as the Peacemakers and are friendly, kind and indecisive. Type 9s have the basic desire to be comfortable and a fear of separation and being at conflict with others

Isak is very influenced by what others think and like, as we can see in his relationship with Even. For example, Even says that one of his favourite rappers is Nas, and Isak listens to him because of this and really likes him. Later in the episode we see Isak tell Emma that she should listen to better music like Nas, all because of Even.

At his best, he is happy with himself and in a stable relationship with Even. He feels comfortable in all his relationships and becomes more open and has a much more positive outlook on life. He begins to stop caring about what other’s think, and is happily with Even in public. He also begins to express his own opinions and find his own identity.


At his worst, he is hiding himself and his true feelings towards everyone in his life. He is constantly lying to Jonas, Emma and his other friends, as he doesn’t want to be rejected. He always conforms to other people’s opinions and is not direct in his relationships, leading to problems with his friends.

Isak is finding himself throughout the season and struggling with his sexuality. He is really worried about what other people will think about him being gay, especially Jonas and his friends. However, Jonas surprises him by being very supportive, which helps him to become more confident in himself and his identity.

Isak shows his wing 8 as he is generally not concerned with doing the right thing, and not as perfectionistic. He is very withdrawn as 9s are, however he shows his anger more than a wing 1 does. For example, he punches Mikael for talking to Even out of jealousy. Isak bears a lot of similarities to Eva in that they are both dependent on their relationships to help shape their identities, however Isak is generally more aggressive than Eva.

Tri-type: 9w8 – 4w5 – 6w5

Some quotes to describe Isak’s motivations

“The second you start looking for hate, you find it. And when you find hate, you start hating.”

“Who would’ve thought? The gay guy and the Muslim. Best buds.”

"Whether you believe in Allah, Jesus, the theory of evolution or parallell universes, there’s only one thing we know for sure. Life is… now.”

“Let’s play a game, it’s called: Isak and Even, minute by minute. The only thing we need to worry about is the next minute”

“I’ve finally found the man of my dreams and it turns out he likes Gabrielle”

(To Even): “You are not alone”

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