Brooklyn Nine Nine: Rosa Diaz – Type 8w9


Type 8s are known as the Challenger. They have a basic desire to be powerful and in control and a basic fear of being weak or controlled by others. At their best, type 8s are able to show their vulnerabilities to those they love and use their strength to support and help others. At their worst, type 8s become combative and lose their tempers easily as they are fearful of losing control of their life.

Rosa is tough, independent, direct and protective. Rosa likes to do things on her own and in her own way. She generally isn’t worried about the opinions of others and is unafraid of telling others what she thinks. In her job as a detective she is brave and dives headfirst into dangerous situations without a worry.

At her best, Rosa becomes more supportive, helpful and thoughtful towards others. It can be seen throughout the show that Rosa cares deeply for all the members of the Nine-Nine and will go to any lengths to protect them. She also opens up more and begins to show some of the softer sides of her personality.

At her worst, Rosa is aggressive, stubborn and controlling. Rosa is reactive and can hurt the people close to her through her blunt words and actions. She closes herself off to others and wants to assert her dominance over people as a way of keeping her autonomy.


Like a typical 8, Rosa is not afraid of expressing her anger or displeasure at others. She will often resort to this as a way of protecting herself or the people she loves and maintaining control of a situation. However, it can be seen that Rosa will also begin to show more of her vulnerabilities and feelings with her partners as she feels more comfortable with them.

While Rosa is such a strong-willed character, she still wanted the approval of her traditional family. This made it very difficult for her to confront them and tell them about her bisexuality. However, it can be seen that she stuck to her convictions and remained strong in addressing this with her family despite their views.

Beneath Rosa’s tough exterior, it can be seen that she is kind-hearted and has a big heart. She never backs down from a challenge and works hard to get respect for all the ladies of the nine nine.

Rosa has quite balanced wings but I would say she has a stronger wing 9. She is more likely to look towards comfort rather than fun and she is more reserved, introverted and closed off than a wing 7.

Tritype: 8w9 – 6w7 – 3w2

Some quotes to describe Rosa’s motivations:

“What kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?”

“I don’t ask people out. I just tell them where we’re going.”

“‘Cause I didn’t understand why people care so much about their dumb dogs till I got a dumb dog myself. I’ve only had Arlo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”

“Don’t arrest him. Just smack him. Hard. With a phone book on a body part no one can see, you know what I’m saying?”

“So you would rather me be some dude’s mistress than be in a loving relationship with a woman? Well, Jake and I aren’t dating. But guess what? Your worst fears are real. I’m not straight. I’m bisexual. And I don’t care what you think about it. Screw this. I’m outta here.”

“It’s a joke. I was insulting him. You know, flirting.”

“It’s very embarrassing having feelings.”

“I only said ‘I love you’ to three people: my mom, my dad, and my dying grandpa, and one of those I regret.” Which one was it? “My grandpa. He beat Cancer so now I look like an idiot.”

Rosa: “And when this is over, I’m going to find you, and I’m going to break those little fingers.”
Judge: “Ms. Diaz, please stop threatening the stenographer!”

Terry: “Wait, is that a smile I see?”
Rosa: “Possibly. My immune system is too weak to fight off my smile muscles”

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