Glee: Finn Hudson – Type 9w1


Type 9s are known as the peacemakers and are friendly, kind and indecisive. Type 9s have the basic desire to be comfortable and at inner peace. They do not want to disturb anything around them in order to keep this feeling of peace. Type 9s also have a fear of separation and being at conflict with others. As they fear conflict they will often silence their wants and needs to go along with the opinions of others as a means to keep the peace.

Finn is relaxed, insecure and friendly. Despite being the star of the football team he is not overtly confident or outgoing. He has a habit of going with the flow and following the lead of others. An example of this is when he slushies Rachel based on the advice and consensus of the football team, rather than his own personal feelings.

Finn also puts a great emphasis on the perception of others and their opinions of him. He falls into the role of being the popular kid and the football star and he is very reluctant to do anything that would jeopardise this. This can be seen when he is asked to join the Glee club and he is very hesitant to do so- even outright refusing. It is only when he is given an ultimatum by Mr Schuester that he joins as a way of appeasing him. However, he starts to show growth when he accepts that Glee Club is something he is passionate about and enjoys despite what other people think.

Along with this Finn is shown to be very indecisive and unaware of his own feeling and desires. He finds it very challenging at the end of high school when his friends are planning and moving towards their dream jobs or educations. He also shows this through his uncertainty of wanting to be with Rachel.


At his best, Finn becomes more accepting, trusting and motivated to achieve his goals. He begins to see a calling as a Glee Teacher and decides to mentor the Glee club and gains much more direction and purpose with his life. At his worst, Finn becomes passive aggressive, anxious and cruel. His treatment of Kurt when they become stepbrothers and he called him a gay slur is an example of a time when he was inconsiderate, rude and mean.

In his relationship wth Rachel, Finn can often feel like he is not enough as she is such a large personality with very lofty goals. This is an area that they clash on as Finn believes it would be better to let Rachel go and pursue her dreams rather than continuing their relationship. While, this is difficult, Rachel also pushes Finn to become more confident, ambitious and certain of what he wants to do in his own life. They compliment each other well as she provides encouragement and drive towards Finn and he is more level-headed and supportive of her.

Finn has a wing 1 as he is concerned with his principles, is generally more reserved and wants to do the right thing. He shows that he is willing to stand up for people when he helps Kurt after he was thrown into the dumpster.

Finn’s Tritype- 9w1-6w7-2w1

Some quotes to describe Finn’s motivations:

“Don’t you get it, man? We’re all losers. Everyone in this school! Hell, everyone in this town. Out of all the kids who graduate, maybe half will go to college, and two will leave the state to do it! I’m not afraid to be called a loser because I can accept that’s what I am. But I am afraid of turning my back on something that actually made me happy for the first time in my sorry life.”

“Well, when I first joined, I thought you were kind of insane. I mean, you talk way more than you should and to be honest, I looked under the bed to see if you were hiding there. But…then I heard you sing and you touched something in me.”

“I know I’m a big athlete and it’s not manly or anything, but I’m kinda insecure about how I look.”

“ Wow. What am I going to do with my life? I don’t have my girl. I don’t have a job. I don’t have a place in this world.“

“ I…I didn’t have a father. Someone I could model myself after. Show me what it really means to be a man.”

“The truth is, I have no idea what I’m doing. I look around and everyone know’s where they’re headed or at least what they want. I’m lost. It’s like I can’t even remember who I am anymore.”

Marley: “You’re a natural leader, Finn. A teacher. You don’t need Mr. Shue’s approval to be that.”
Finn: “Yeah, but I do need a little thing called a teaching degree.”
Marley: “So, go get one”

Scandal: Fitzgerald Grant – Type 9w1


Fitz is mostly peaceful, calm and is able to see multiple perspectives in a variety of situations. Fitz desperately wants to have a normal life with Olivia and he doesn’t like the power that comes with being President.

At his best, he is able to effectively integrate into 3 and become more driven and a better leader for the US. He also becomes less dependent on his relationship with Olivia and begins to become more independent and decisive.

At his worst, he become paranoid, aggressive and afraid Olivia is going to leave him, as he disintegrated into 6. He often lashes out against Mellie as he feels like she is an obstacle in his relationship with Olivia. He also becomes very jealous of Jake and his relationship with Olivia, as he is very attached to her.

Fitz has many qualities of a 4, as he is very focused on his relationship with Olivia and believes she is the perfect partner. However, sx 9s can present like 4s as they are very concerned with finding the perfect partner.


9s are often very influenced by others in making decisions. Fitz is always asking the opinions of Cyrus, Olivia and even Mellie on issues pertaining to the White House. However, on certain issues, he can become very stubborn and will not listen to reason. For example, when Olivia was kidnapped, he went to war with West Angola, despite the advice of his staff, and he forbade the CIA to kill Olivia, even if she was taken by one of the US’ greatest enemies.

Fitz has an effortless charm about him, that 9s often exhibit. He is a very popular President, as he is very easy-going and is able to appeal to the public. He can change his personality to appeal to wide variety of people, which is common among 9s, as they instinctively know what other people want and meld to that.

His relationship with Olivia helps him to become more principled and take a stance on certain issues. He becomes more content with himself, and stops trying to change himself depending on what others want from him.

He has a strong wing 1 as he is very concerned about doing the right thing. He is also very idealistic and wants to be a good President.

Tri-type: 9w1 – 4w3 – 6w7

Some quotes to explain Fitz’s motivations

“My whole life is you. I can’t breathe because I’m waiting for you. You own me, you control me, I belong to you.”

“It’s me. I know you said not to call but I just wanted you to know…I get it. All this time I’ve been waiting to hear from you so you could tell me what you wanted, but it’s what you don’t want, isn’t it? You don’t want this. I’m going to deny Sally’s story and bring Mellie back to the White House because I don’t want you to throw away your whole life just for me. I love you too much for that.”

“I fell in love. Susan, I’m a flawed person, just like anyone else.”

“Somewhere, in another life, another reality, we are married and we have four kids, and we live in Vermont, and I’m the mayor”

(To Olivia) Do not tell me what I have to do. You don’t get to do that anymore.”

Parks and Recreation: Ann Perkins – Type 9w1


Ann is kind, passive and supportive. Ann often goes along with others and wants to be accepted by others. She will follow the lead of Leslie and hangs around the office even though she has no reason or need to be there.

Ann is also very conflict avoidant and hates having confrontations. Her relationship with April is a good example of this as she is mistreated by April for a large part of the show due to April’s jealousy of Ann having dated Andy. Despite this she takes a long time to actually confront April and stand up for herself. She also has elements of this when she is interacting with Ron as he is aggressive and rude and will often call her the wrong name, with Ann letting it slide.

I debated typing her as a 2 as she is very supportive and helpful towards those she loves and she is a nurse. However, I think at her core she is quite different to Leslie and she is more content with keeping the peace and staying comfortable. It is even shown throughout the series that Ann doesn’t voice many likes or interests and is content with anything, as opposed to Leslie who is passionate about the things she likes.

At her best, Ann becomes more confident and sure of herself. She is able to see her own value and worth outside of her friendships and relationships. At her worst, Ann numbs her feelings, doesn’t want to address negative feelings and becomes more anxious. This can be seen when she breaks up with Chris and begins partying more.


Ann puts a great emphasis on her romantic relationships. In her relationships at times she can stay in a situation that isn’t positive or healthy for her based on it being easier. This can be seen with her initial relationship with Andy and even with Tom. She knows that Tom is not a long-term option for her but stays in the relationship for far longer than she needs to.

In her relationship with Chris she has times where she melds with Chris’ more outgoing and extroverted personality. Despite not initially being interested or variable for Chris’ advances, she ends up becoming very attached to Chris and takes their initial break up very badly. Over time it is seen that they are very supportive of each other, similar in many ways and able to balance each other out with their differing temperaments.

Ann has a wing 1 as she is more reluctant to share her negative feelings and is concerned with being a kind person and seen as a “good” person.

Tritype: 9w1-2w1-7w6

Some quotes to describe Anne’s motivations:

“Jogging is the worst. I know it keeps you healthy, but God, at what cost?”

“Traditionally, when I end a long-term relationship, I’m a little fragile, and I have a tendency to do some reckless things. So I need to stay away from Chris.”

“I loved Andy. Loved him. Loved Andy. He was a totally helpless baby when we met. I dated him for three years. Now he’s an adult with a job. And some other girl is going to reap the rewards of my hard work? That’s [expletive].”

“I haven’t felt this good in years. And it’s not just because of the supplements he has me taking and the soluble fiber and the increase in regularity. It’s him.”

"The Parks Department has done so much for me that if I can help them out in any way, I will. Oh, God. Maybe I should just give them all free flu shots.”

“My body is like a chip, too…. A potato chip.”

“As Leslie’s Maid of Honour, I really need her bachelorette party to go well, which is why I’m stress-eating these gummy penises.”

“But now I have the upper hand. And I am going to use it to crush her! Into being nice to me.”

Ann: “I thought you might like a fresh set of pillows.”
April: “Are you trying to smother me? Help! The slutty nurse is trying to smother me to death with a pillow!”
Ann: “OK, never mind.”

The Instinctive Triad (8, 9, 1)

The instinctive triad is also known as the ‘gut’ or ‘anger’ triad as they are very concerned with their instincts and their central emotion is anger. These types seek autonomy, however it manifests in different ways depending on their core type. They are mostly concerned with influencing and controlling their environment, yet they resist being influenced or controlled. They create inward (directed internally) and outward (directed externally) boundaries.

Type 1: 1s are concerned with making the world better and controlling their environment in just the way they want. Their main boundary is inward, as they direct their anger internally, which is why they often seem to be repressing their emotions. 1s put up ‘internal walls’ against certain parts of themselves. 1s tend to repress their anger. e.g. “I don’t want to be angry so I’ll push it down”

Type 9: 9s want to be in control of their environment, however they will often reject controlling others and will try to avoid conflict to gain control. 9s do not want their equilibrium to be disturbed. 9s will put up walls both against others and parts of themselves, as they are in the centre of the triad, this will manifest more strongly in their wing. e.g. a 9w1 will be more repressed and inward, whereas a 9w8 will be more likely to show emotions. 9s tend to deny their anger. e.g. “I’m fine” or “I don’t know what I’m feeling.”

Type 8: 8s want to be in control of their environment and often do this by trying to gain control over others. Their main boundary is outward, as they direct their anger towards others which is why they can come across as aggressive. 8s also put up ‘external walls’ so they are not hurt by the outside world, and have a very tough exterior, that is not always indicative of their real emotions. 8s tend to act on their anger. E.g. “I’m angry and I’m going to let everyone know why”

SKAM: Isak Valtersen – Type 9w8


Type 9s are known as the Peacemakers and are friendly, kind and indecisive. Type 9s have the basic desire to be comfortable and a fear of separation and being at conflict with others

Isak is very influenced by what others think and like, as we can see in his relationship with Even. For example, Even says that one of his favourite rappers is Nas, and Isak listens to him because of this and really likes him. Later in the episode we see Isak tell Emma that she should listen to better music like Nas, all because of Even.

At his best, he is happy with himself and in a stable relationship with Even. He feels comfortable in all his relationships and becomes more open and has a much more positive outlook on life. He begins to stop caring about what other’s think, and is happily with Even in public. He also begins to express his own opinions and find his own identity.


At his worst, he is hiding himself and his true feelings towards everyone in his life. He is constantly lying to Jonas, Emma and his other friends, as he doesn’t want to be rejected. He always conforms to other people’s opinions and is not direct in his relationships, leading to problems with his friends.

Isak is finding himself throughout the season and struggling with his sexuality. He is really worried about what other people will think about him being gay, especially Jonas and his friends. However, Jonas surprises him by being very supportive, which helps him to become more confident in himself and his identity.

Isak shows his wing 8 as he is generally not concerned with doing the right thing, and not as perfectionistic. He is very withdrawn as 9s are, however he shows his anger more than a wing 1 does. For example, he punches Mikael for talking to Even out of jealousy. Isak bears a lot of similarities to Eva in that they are both dependent on their relationships to help shape their identities, however Isak is generally more aggressive than Eva.

Tri-type: 9w8 – 4w5 – 6w5

Some quotes to describe Isak’s motivations

“The second you start looking for hate, you find it. And when you find hate, you start hating.”

“Who would’ve thought? The gay guy and the Muslim. Best buds.”

"Whether you believe in Allah, Jesus, the theory of evolution or parallell universes, there’s only one thing we know for sure. Life is… now.”

“Let’s play a game, it’s called: Isak and Even, minute by minute. The only thing we need to worry about is the next minute”

“I’ve finally found the man of my dreams and it turns out he likes Gabrielle”

(To Even): “You are not alone”

Hornevian Types/Social Styles in the Enneagram

The Hornevian Groups were created and named for Karen Horney, who first suggested there were groupings based on how people interact with others in order to meet their own needs. Enneagram was not specifically created with these groups in mind, however the types fit neatly into the three groups. There are three different groups; the assertive types are 3, 7 and 8, the compliant types are 1, 2 and 6 and the withdrawn types are 4, 5, 9.

Note: Each type wants to gain different things depending on whether they are thinking/head (5, 6, 7), feeling/heart (2, 3, 4) or instinctive/gut types (8, 9, 1). Generally, the thinking triad desires security, the feeling triad desires attention and the instinctive triad desires autonomy.

Assertive Types (3, 7, 8): These types are very proactive and direct as they go after what they believe they need. They have strong ideas of what they want and they will act to get their needs met. They can sometimes seem to have a sense of importance or entitlement about them as a result. These types can be independent and assertive, but can seem aggressive and demanding to others. Simply put, they move against others to get what they want (e.g. rebelling or challenging others).

Compliant Types (1, 2, 6): These types are usually very obedient of rules and other people’s feelings and opinions more generally. They attempt to earn their desires and are very driven by their superegos (their moral code, what they ‘should’ do). These types would usually be considered the ‘goody-two shoes’ of the enneagram. These types are usually committed, hard-working and responsible, however they can have a hard time relaxing and letting loose. These types are compliant to those around them, and can often overlook their own needs in favour of others and can seem self-sacrificing.

Withdrawn Types (4, 5, 9): These types withdraw from others and can often seem quite disengaged with the outer world. They withdraw to both deal with their needs and to get their needs met. They can be introspective, imaginative, but they can have trouble taking charge or being direct with others. They are sometimes more involved in their dreams and fantasies, rather than reality. Generally, these types move away from people to get what they want (e.g. withdrawing, becoming introverted).

These groups are easily identifiable, and can often be the cause of mistypings and misidentifications. For example, 6s and 1s are often misidentify with one or the other, as they are both very compliant and obedient towards belief systems. However, 1s are more focused on their own moral code, whereas 6s are more focused on external belief systems or authority figures.

If there is any interest in a particular type, we’re happy to do a post on the specifics, as this a very general overview 😊

Supergirl: J’onn J’onzz – Type 9w8


J’onn is level-headed, pragmatic and detached. At the beginning of the series, he is hiding his true identity and has taken on the role of Hank Henshaw. As Hank, he is cold, rigid and keeps Kara and Alex at arms length. Once they discover the truth about his identity, we see him as much warmer and his true character starts to emerge.

J’onn’s entire family and race was erased and he finds it very difficult finding a place to belong.  As we see with his relationship with M’gann he is desperate to find a community where he can belong. He is drawn to M’gann as he believes she is a green martian, and one of the last of his planet, so he begins to become attached to her. However, she is revealed as an impostor which really hurts his feelings.

J’onn likes to blend in, and his ability to transform his identity makes this easy for him. However, as his character grows he becomes more comfortable with his true identity, and lets more people in, like Kara and Alex.  

 He grows to love the girls like daughters and while he is still very intense he emotionally opens up to them more and more. J’onn cares so deeply for the Danvers sisters that he is willing to take the blame for Astra’s death to preserve their sisterly bond. He also feels as if their bond is more important than his relationship with Kara and this will prevent any conflict between the sisters.

Green Martians were generally peaceful, and consequently J’onn rebelled against this and rejected the notion that he was a man of peace. However, his actions say otherwise, as he often suppresses his anger and holds himself back in battle. When he begins to realise he has deep emotions and feelings, he is extremely uncomfortable and jumps to the conclusion that these feelings make him less peaceful and “bad”.

J’onn’s interactions with Manchester Black in s4, show his repressed anger and emotions, and the problems that this can cause for him. Manchester Black constantly taunted J’onn and suggested he was angrier than he thought, and that he should be more active against villains. This negatively impacts J’onn and leads to Mancherster’s death, further reinforcing to J’onn that anger is wrong.


At his best, J’onn is strong and fair minded. He stands up for his beliefs and will help at any cost. He is caring and able to express his feelings in a healthy way. At his worst, J’onn becomes angry, withdrawn and reactive. He keeps his personal feelings bottled up and they ultimately come out towards the people he loves.

J’onn has a wing 8 as he is more likely to express his anger and seeks justice as a means of protecting others. Both type 1 and 8 have a motivation towards justice however, the way they approach and view injustice is very different. A type 1 will look at justice through their own moral beliefs and with a wider view towards what is lawful, good and fair.  Whereas type 8s will often be drawn to people and causes based on the way people are being treated and viewing things that they experience and needing to step in at that moment to protect the vulnerable.

J’onn cares deeply about the Danvers sisters and has made a promise to protect and keep them safe, showing his wing 8.

Tritype: 9w8 – 6w5 – 2w1

Some quotes to describe J’onn’s motives:

“This world is a crazy place right now. People acting, reacting. Escalating behaviours. What our lawmakers are doing. Sniping at each other, going round and round in circles, not doing any good. But like my father said, ’There is great power in being the calm in the centre of the storm. A beacon, to show the way.’”

“People make mistakes and they do terrible things. We have to let them do better, bring them back into the light. Otherwise, what’s the point in trying to save everyone?”

“You think that gun gives you respect? It has no power. It’s just a tool for spreading fear, and fear is not respect.”

“Someone’s trying to sabotage you, you just ignore them. They’re spending all their energy on you, you spend yours on being the best you.”

J‘onn: My father thinks I’m a coward.”
ara: Then he doesn’t know you. ‘Cause the man I know has dedicated his entire life to making sure what happened on Mars never happens anywhere else. So go in there.”
‘onn. “Show your father who his son really is.”

J’onn:  “I’m not a man of peace! And if that means I have to give up the Symbols, and Martian religion has to die, then so be it. At least I will know who I am!“
’onn’s Father: "And who are you?”
’onn: “I’m the Martian Manhunter!”

Supergirl: Nia Nal – Type 9w1


Type 9s are known as the peacemakers and are friendly, kind and indecisive. Type 9s have the basic desire to be comfortable and at inner peace. They do not want to disturb anything around them in order to keep this feeling of peace. Type 9s also have a fear of separation and being at conflict with others. As they fear conflict they will often silence their wants and needs to go along with the opinions of others as a means to keep the peace.

Nia Nal is kind-hearted, shy and accepting of others. She wants to fit in with the rest of the world and pushes herself to be like everyone else and tries very hard to please others. As a reporter, she works hard to prove herself as a good reporter and when she first starts at CatCo we can see that she silences her ideas as she is anxious to compete with others and decides it is easier to go with the flow. As she befriends Kara and becomes more confident we can see that she is a talented reporter and she begins sharing some of her ideas.

At her best, Nia becomes more confident in herself and her abilities. She becomes less afraid to voice her opinions and stands up for herself and others. An example of this is when she stands up for Brainy after he is being attacked for being an alien.

At her worst, Nia can become withdrawn, stubborn and passive aggressive. When she is first introduced we can see that she keeps to herself and is very anxious. She is afraid to say her own thoughts and is allowing time to pass her by and becoming complacent and regretful that she hasn’t stood up for her own needs.


Nia’s relationship with her family is somewhat strained and she has a mentality of sweeping things under the rug. She doesn’t feel safe talking to her family about her struggles and as a result chooses not to address her growing powers with them, as she feels like they may not understand or accept her anymore. She also feels the jealousy her sister has about her alien powers and doesn’t feel worthy of taking the powers to represent her family. Ultimately she decides to accept her powers as she wants to make a difference and help people.

Nia looks at the world through a positive perspective, which is consistent with 9s as they are part of the positive triad. Despite having many trials and tribulations, she is empathetic and caring towards all people and has an optimistic attitude towards being a hero.

Nia has a 1 wing as she is very meticulous and perfectionistic in her work as a reporter and she is concerned with standing up for what she perceives to be right. This can be seen throughout the series and especially with her work trying to combat other peoples bigotry towards aliens.She is also more likely to repress any negative or angry feelings, due to her 1 wing.

TriType: 9w1 – 2w1 – 6w7

Some quotes to describe Nia’s motivations:

“I just… I move too fast ‘cause that’s what I do. I push myself and I take on more than I can handle. My mother always said it.”

“Oh, I am so late. You know the crazy thing is, I am always punctual. Always. And of course the one day it matters, my new roommate took the keys to my rental car. Accidentally, of course. And I had to take the bus. And I spilled coffee all over my skirt, and all I wanted to do was make a good first impression on Miss Danvers. It’s you.“

“When innocent people are being attacked, it’s not about balance. It’s about justice.”

“Dawn doesn’t come unless we want it to. But we don’t have to wait for a new day, we are the new day.”

“I’m different, Ms Danvers, but so is everybody.And I don’t know when that became such a bad thing. The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves and sharing that — sharing our truth is what makes us strong.”

“They want us to be invisible. Because of their own fears. They want to erase us, so we need to shine even brighter.”

“A true friend will accept you for who you truly are.”

Harmonic Types in the Enneagram

These types show how a person will react and cope when they do not get what they want. They reveal the way our personality defends against loss, conflict and disappointment. There are three different groups for the enneagram. They are the positive outlook types (2, 7, 9), the competent types (1, 3, 5) and the reactive types (4, 6, 8).

Positive Outlook: (2, 7, 9): These types react to conflict and disappointment by trying to adopt a ‘positive’ attitude. They will try to reframe the situation in a positive light, and are often considered ‘glass half-full’ people. These types will often deny that they even have a problem, and will try to tell others that they are fine. 2s, 7s, and 9s also often have trouble balancing the needs of themselves with the needs of others around them. For example, 2s focus too much on the needs of others, 7s focus too much on their own needs and 9s can oscillate between the two. As a result, they will often not face their problems head-on and will try to deny their existence.

Competency: (1, 3, 5): These types react to conflict in an unemotional, objective and detached way. They have learnt to put aside their own problems in favour of ‘getting the job done.’ They often try to use logic to solve problems, and expect others will do the same, so they cannot understand the reactions of other types (especially the reactive types). 1s, 3s and 5s are confused about their role in systems and structures, and how much they should follow the rules of said structure. For example, 1s operate within the rules, 3s can do both depending on their goals and 5s often operate outside of the rules. Consequently, they approach their problems in the same way.

Reactive: (4, 6, 8): These types react emotionally to conflicts and their thinking can often be clouded by their feelings and emotions. They want others to react similarly to their problems, and will have strong opinions on certain things. They may be the type to want others to terminate friendships with others because they don’t like them or they betrayed their trust. They deal with their problems quickly and often explode, however after the explosion of emotion they will often move on more quickly than other types. 4s, 6s and 8s are concerned with control and fear being betrayed by others. For example, 4s subconsciously want to be taken care of, 6s want to both take care of and be taken care of and 8s want to be providers and take care of others.

If there is interest, we are happy to elaborate on specific types, as this is just a general overview 😊

SKAM: Eva Mohn – Type 9w1


Type 9s are known as the peacemakers and are friendly, kind and indecisive. Type 9s have the basic desire to be comfortable and at inner peace and a basic fear of separation and conflict. As they fear conflict, they are often quiet, accomodating and people-pleasing.

Eva is shown to be very passive and calm throughout the series. In her central season, she is very attached to Jonas and her friend group. She also often melds to her close relationships, and changes her feelings to avoid conflict. 

At her worst, she became paranoid and neurotic like a type 6. She is very afraid of Jonas leaving her and having a relationship with Ingrid, his ex. She also allows Jonas to have a lot of control over her opinions and emotions, and starts to lose herself. She follows most of what he says and changes her opinions on certain things. For example, he says that russ buses are lame and dumb, so she starts to believe that she doesn’t want to be on a bus with her friends. However, she is very excited about russ when she is with her friends, as she melds to their opinions. Eva is very hard to read because she is constantly changing herself to suit the situations.


At her best, she is calm and is better at managing conflict. She has solid relationships with Noora, Vilde and Sana. Another moment of growth for Eva is when she breaks up with Jonas, because she recognises that she has begun to lose herself. By doing this, she can begin to make her own opinions and find her own identity.

9s tend to hold in their feelings, so they don’t hurt others. Eva does this a lot in her relationship with Jonas. For example, she is very anxious about his relationship with Ingrid, yet she takes a while to actually mention this to Jonas.

Eva is very easygoing in most situations. She allows others to take the lead in her relationships. For example, when she first becomes friends with Sana, she allows Sana to take her phone and like all of P-Chris’s posts. She also does what Sana says and flirts with P-Chris, even though she is in a relationship with Jonas.

She is always trying to change herself for every situation, as 9s often do. She hides her relationship from her mother, because she doesn’t want her mother to know about Jonas, especially since she knows he used to date Ingrid. 

SKAM at its core is about shame, and Eva’s shame has to do with her relationship with Jonas. Her best friend, Ingrid was dating Jonas before she was, and she feels like she has betrayed her friend and spends a lot of the first season being afraid of betrayal.


“I become insecure and desperate, your opinion meant more than mine. That’s not how it should be.” 

“I have to find out what my own opinion is and I have to do it on my own”

“I am mine, before anyone else’s”

“Everyone is like “What kind of person are you? You have to know who you are” What a f***ing cliche”

“Sometimes you just have to trust people”

“So when you said I just do what other people think is cool…and that I don’t have my own opinion, it’s really unfair”