Never Have I Ever: Fabiola Torres – Type 5w6

Fabiola is intelligent, reserved, quirky and quiet. She prefers to deal with situations using fact and logic and is less likely to have an overemotional reaction. Fabiola tries not to get involved in conflict and generally keeps to herself. She also prefers to be in the background and allows others (like Devi) to take the lead in social situations.

Fabiola also has elements of a 1w9 as they can also present as being disconnected from their feelings. Additionally, she was very afraid to tell her parents about her sexuality as she didn’t want them to react badly. However, I think she cares more about gaining knowledge than doing the right thing.

At her best, she is engaged in her friendships and becomes more open to new experiences, like her relationship with Eve. She is also able to move past her problems with Devi and help her with her problems.

At her worst, she publicly lashes out at Devi, and cuts off contact from her. Some of her outburst was justified, as Devi was being very inconsiderate and rude to her friends, however, Fabiola becomes withdrawn from the relationship completely.

5s are very focused in their inner world and they are very withdrawn. Fabiola much prefers to be making her robots than being out at parties. She has very close friendships with Devi and Eleanor and is very considerate and thoughtful of them. For example, she helps Eleanor when she finds out about her mother living in LA, and when her mother leaves her again.

As 5s can be disconnected from their feelings, it took Fabiola a bit of time to realise her feelings for Eve and to act upon them. Additionally, she felt more comfortable coming out to her robot, than her friends, showing that she sometimes prefers technology to people.

She shows her wing 6 as she is very loyal to her friends and doesn’t care as much about creativity and being unique.

Tri-type: 5w6 – 1w9 – 2w1

Some quotes to describe Fabiola’s motivations

“One day, you will walk again. If not, I will build you legs.”

“We are smart. And idiots are banging all the time. We can learn how to do it, too.”

“I left a funeral to be by your side after Nick Jonas married an Indian woman that wasn’t you.”

“What I want to say is, I am… I am… I am switching from French to an AP lab this year”

“They don’t know that I’m gay.”

Never Have I Ever: Devi Vishwakumar – Type 6w7

Devi is responsible, nervous, and insecure. She tries to portray herself as confident, but she is very insecure in many aspects of her life. Devi is very sarcastic and often uses humour to mask her real emotions.

Throughout the series, Devi is disintegrating to 3 as she is in the lower levels of health. After her father’s death and her temporary paralysis, she felt she was the laughingstock of the school, so she wanted to be popular. So, she can come across a bit like a 3 as she is very concerned with her image and status in high school.

At her worst, she becomes panicky, volatile and is prone to outbursts of anger due to her anxiety. She alienates most of her friends and family through this behaviour and begins to have a mentality of “I don’t need anybody, I only trust myself.”

At her best, she begins to deal with the consequences of her father’s death and tries to mend her relationships with her friends and family. She also begins to stop caring so much about what other people think.

Devi is mostly compliant towards her parent’s wishes, as she is an Honours student and participated in all the extracurriculars (like the harp) that they told her to do. However, she is beginning to defy her mother’s wishes, as she doesn’t want to be controlled by her and wants to have more freedom. 6s often have complicated relationships with authority, and will sometimes push back against it if they feel it isn’t right.

Her relationships with her friends help her to be less insecure and calmer. Fabiola and Eleanor are her best friends, and she really values her friendships with them. However, she is inconsiderate of their feelings when she chooses Paxton over them, leading to conflict. She realises how important they are to her and starts to be more caring towards them.

6s often have mixed feelings about different things and people. Devi is conflicted between Ben and Paxton and doesn’t know exactly what she wants. She has always had a crush on Paxton, and he is the most popular guy in school. Whereas, she has always known Ben as a rival, until she sees a different side of him.

Tri-type: 6w7 – 3w4 – 1w2

Some quotes to describe Devi’s motivation:

“If women didn’t accept each other’s apologies, The View would grind to a halt.”

“I’m a delight! I should punch you in the Adam’s Apple for saying that.”

“Winning over old-ass teacher types is my superpower.”

“I’d like to be invited to a party with alcohol and hard drugs. I’m not gonna do them, I’d just like the opportunity to say, “No cocaine for me, thanks. I’m good.”

“Hey gods, it’s Devi Vishwakumar, your favorite Hindu girl in the San Fernando Valley. What’s a-poppin’?”

“I don’t negotiate with terrorists, Ben. And honestly, I’m mature enough to be on my own. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna Google how to buy a credit card.”

Scandal: Huck – Type 6w5


Huck is paranoid, reliable, and extremely loyal to Olivia and the Gladiators. Huck has experienced a lot of trauma, so he is in the lower levels of health. As he is in the lower levels of health, he exhibits many of the bad traits of 6s, such as paranoia, aggressiveness, and neuroticism.

At his best, Huck will do anything for the people he loves and begins to become less panicky and manic. For example, he is extremely loyal towards Olivia, and he will do anything in his power to keep her safe. When Olivia is kidnapped, he works tirelessly to save her, as he has on many other occasions.

At his worst, he is aggressive, violent, and unpredictable. There have been many instances throughout the series, where Huck relishes hurting other people and becomes unhinged.


Huck is very focused on authority figures, and often followed the orders of his superiors, even when they were immoral. As a B6-13 agent, he had to do many bad things, however, he wasn’t able to stand up for himself, instead he complied with their orders.

When he leaves B6-13, he is terrified for the safety of his family, and he decides that it is better for him to distance himself from them because it isn’t safe. However, he really wants a relationship with his family as it was the only place he felt at home. So, he decides he will testify against B6-13 once and for all, so that he can ensure the safety of his family.

It takes a while for Huck to let people in as he doesn’t trust easily, like a typical 6. He also keeps secrets from the other Gladiators, especially Quinn as he doesn’t want to put them in danger, and he doesn’t know if they can be trusted.

I think he has more of a 5 wing as he is very withdrawn and is less overtly anxious than a wing 7. He often investigates and observes, before acting to ensure he has the best course of action, although sometimes he can be impulsive.

Tri-type: 6w5 – 4w5 – 9w8

Some quotes to explain Huck’s motivations

“He’s a normal person, Quinn. We have to protect him. We can’t let him be friends with us.”

“I pulled your teeth out because you couldn’t mind your own business. You can never mind your own business, Quinn. And if I had to do it all again to teach you that one valuable lesson, I would.”

“Do you have any idea how many times you’ve asked me to do things that I didn’t want to do but I did them because you asked me to? B613 took away my family, Liv, my life, my name. They destroyed me.”

[to Olivia] “I was pretty sure somebody hacked you into pieces and burned your body. I’m really glad that’s not true.”

Olivia: “Have you been waiting for me to come home? Am I your plan?”
u always fix me.” 

Parks and Recreation: Ron Swanson – Type 8w9


Ron is blunt, smart and emotionally detached He prefers to be alone and often finds the demands of others to be pointless, which is why he often ignores citizen requests and allows Leslie to jump in and solve their problems. He is reluctant to show his true feelings to others and as a way of avoiding personal conversations, stays hidden away in his own office.

At his best, Ron becomes more open and receptive of the feelings of others. His relationship with April shows growth as he appreciates her and in his own way tries to be supportive of her and Andy. At his worst, Ron is rude and aggressive. He makes it very clear to others that he thinks they are not worth his time.

Ron is extremely closed off and private, so he doesn’t readily share aspects of his personal life and upbringing with his coworkers. However, it can be seen that he had an interesting childhood and was expected to act maturely and work from a very young age. Due to this he has taken on a mentality that he needs to be self-sufficient and he doesn’t want to rely on anyone else for anything. He likes to be in control of himself and others as can be seen from his managerial style.

Ron has a number of strong qualities of type 5 including his introversion and need for privacy. However, I think that he is more concerned with being self-sufficient and strong than with finding knowledge and appearing useful and competent. It can be seen through his interactions with others that he is more of an 8 as he respects people who are self-made, despises weak people or entitled people and is not concerned with how others view how he does his job. 


Ron has many hidden talents that he is reluctant to share with his coworkers as he feels this will make them see him differently. He is a relatively well-known Jazz artist (Duke Silver) but hides this from the people he works with as he thinks they will see him as being less masculine and strong. When April finds out about it, it becomes a secret that they share and strengthens the bond between the two of them.

Despite being very forthright and unafraid of telling people what he thinks of them, Ron has a very interesting dynamic with the women in his life. When his mother and Ex-wife Tammy are shown through the series, it can be seen that Ron seeks their approval, even though he knows they are unhealthy for him. This is because he reverts back to a time when he was a child and wasn’t in control.

Ron has a 9 wing as he is much more withdrawn, introspective and seeks the pleasures of comforts such as woodworking and food.

Tri-type: 8w9 – 5w4 – 3w4

Some quotes to describe Ron’s motivation:

“Fishing relaxes me. It’s like yoga, except I still get to kill something.”

“Deal with your problems yourselves, like adults.”

“The less I know about other people’s affairs, the happier I am. I’m not interested in caring about people. I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.”

“When I eat, it is the food that is scared.”

“Second there’s only three ways to motive people: money, fear and hunger.”

“Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into Swansons.”

“I’ve cried twice in my life. Once when I was 7 and hit by a school bus. And then again when I heard that Li’l Sebastian had passed.”

“When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care about them.”

“I’d wish you the best of luck but I believe luck is a concept created by the weak to explain their failures.”

“My idea of a perfect government is one guy who sits in a small room at a desk, and the only thing he’s allowed to decide is who to nuke. The man is chosen based on some kind of IQ test, and maybe also a physical tournament, like a decathlon. And women are brought to him, maybe… when he desires them.”

Dead to Me: Steve Wood – Type 3w2


Steve is charming, ambitious and selfish. He is a go-getter and places a great emphasis on his career and being rich and successful. Steve wants to be the best and tries to show this to others through his expensive and lavish cars, properties and overall attitude.  When his family is introduced it is shown that Steve was aways the golden boy of the family. He was put on a pedestal for his whole life which explains much of his behaviour earlier in the series and his over inflated ego.

At his best, Steve shows a more caring side towards Judy and begins to take her feeling into account. He tries to be more understanding and empathetic to her pain about the miscarriages and wants to support her. At his worst, Steve is self-involved, deceitful and cruel. This can be seen with how he handles the situation with hitting Ted and influences Judy to cover up the crime.

Steve seems to portray himself in a certain way to impress others and gain their admiration. When he meets Jen he is very friendly and arrogant as he is boasting about his accolades. And trying to charm her. However, it can be seen later in the series that he has been making a lot of underhanded deals and corrupt partnerships in order to create his wealth.


In his relationship with Judy we can see he has moments of his true feelings but he will often mask them. Steve is quite good at repressing his emotions. It is only when he is really threatened with losing his status that he will become angry, aggressive and confrontational. This can be seen when he is desperately looking for Judy after she has turned him into the police for money laundering.

Steve handles his guilt of being in the car with Judy that hit Ted very differently than Judy does. He is content with pretending that nothing has happened as a way of preserving his own lively hood and protecting himself. He appears to move on and go back to his daily life very quickly and advises Judy to do the same.

Steve has a strong wing 2 as he is very people-focussed and will be more inclined to help others to achieve his goals. He is less introspective than a wing 4 and much more extroverted.

3w2 – 7w8 – 8w7

Some quotes to describe Steve’s motivations:
“You have no idea how I looked at my Grandmother, she was a very handsome woman.”

“I really hope that this new guy knows how to take care of you.”

“What kind of friendship is based on lies? And manslaughter?”

Judy: “Well, Steve has a very specific aesthetic.”
Jen: “
What? Modern douche?”

Jen about Steve: "He’s the worst kind of d**k, because he’s like a secret d**k.”

Scandal: Fitzgerald Grant – Type 9w1


Fitz is mostly peaceful, calm and is able to see multiple perspectives in a variety of situations. Fitz desperately wants to have a normal life with Olivia and he doesn’t like the power that comes with being President.

At his best, he is able to effectively integrate into 3 and become more driven and a better leader for the US. He also becomes less dependent on his relationship with Olivia and begins to become more independent and decisive.

At his worst, he become paranoid, aggressive and afraid Olivia is going to leave him, as he disintegrated into 6. He often lashes out against Mellie as he feels like she is an obstacle in his relationship with Olivia. He also becomes very jealous of Jake and his relationship with Olivia, as he is very attached to her.

Fitz has many qualities of a 4, as he is very focused on his relationship with Olivia and believes she is the perfect partner. However, sx 9s can present like 4s as they are very concerned with finding the perfect partner.


9s are often very influenced by others in making decisions. Fitz is always asking the opinions of Cyrus, Olivia and even Mellie on issues pertaining to the White House. However, on certain issues, he can become very stubborn and will not listen to reason. For example, when Olivia was kidnapped, he went to war with West Angola, despite the advice of his staff, and he forbade the CIA to kill Olivia, even if she was taken by one of the US’ greatest enemies.

Fitz has an effortless charm about him, that 9s often exhibit. He is a very popular President, as he is very easy-going and is able to appeal to the public. He can change his personality to appeal to wide variety of people, which is common among 9s, as they instinctively know what other people want and meld to that.

His relationship with Olivia helps him to become more principled and take a stance on certain issues. He becomes more content with himself, and stops trying to change himself depending on what others want from him.

He has a strong wing 1 as he is very concerned about doing the right thing. He is also very idealistic and wants to be a good President.

Tri-type: 9w1 – 4w3 – 6w7

Some quotes to explain Fitz’s motivations

“My whole life is you. I can’t breathe because I’m waiting for you. You own me, you control me, I belong to you.”

“It’s me. I know you said not to call but I just wanted you to know…I get it. All this time I’ve been waiting to hear from you so you could tell me what you wanted, but it’s what you don’t want, isn’t it? You don’t want this. I’m going to deny Sally’s story and bring Mellie back to the White House because I don’t want you to throw away your whole life just for me. I love you too much for that.”

“I fell in love. Susan, I’m a flawed person, just like anyone else.”

“Somewhere, in another life, another reality, we are married and we have four kids, and we live in Vermont, and I’m the mayor”

(To Olivia) Do not tell me what I have to do. You don’t get to do that anymore.”

Scandal: Mellie Grant – Type 3w2


Mellie is
extremely ambitious, charming, and often changes her personality to fit the
situation. Throughout the
series, Mellie is constantly working towards becoming the first female
president of the United States. She knows what she wants, and she will do
anything to achieve her goals, like a typical 3.

At her worst,
Mellie disintegrates to 9 and becomes depressive and withdrawn after the death of
her son Jerry. She becomes disinterested in her goals, and spends most of her
days eating snacks, watching TV and drinking alcohol.

At her best, she
is able to achieve her goals of becoming the president, and she is a good
leader. She also begins focusing less on her goals, and more on her
relationships with others (integrating to 6).

3s can be morally
grey and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means
they are hurting others. Mellie will often do questionable things (especially with
Cyrus) to further her career. For example, Cyrus and her jump at the chance to
rig the election for Fitz, regardless of the moral implications, whereas Olivia
was more conflicted. 


Mellie is very
sensitive about her relationship with Fitz and is extremely jealous of Olivia.
However, she does not want to get a divorce from Fitz as it would affect her
future chances for presidency. Additionally, at her core, she wants to be loved
by Fitz for who she is and is very attached to him, because she doesn’t want to
be alone.

3s define their
worth in their achievements, however, they want to be loved regardless of their
success. Marcus loves Mellie for who she is, not her achievements, and their
relationship is quite stable.

Mellie is
committed to portraying herself as a great First Lady and craves the approval of
the general public. Accordingly, she will often curate her persona to ensure that
she is liked by the public. However, this is often a façade as Mellie rarely shows
her true feelings to anyone. Mellie thinks that everyone pretends to an extent, and that there is nothing wrong with lying.

She shows her wing
2 as she is very warm and extroverted, as opposed to a wing 4 which is more

Tri-type: 3w2 – 6w7 – 1w9

Some quotes to describe Mellie’s motivations

he exists because I say he exists”

“America can forgive a man a hundred infidelities, but they will never forgive a woman even one. I will be ruined. Finished. Done.”

“When a woman is President, they’ll suddenly make First Lady an official paid position. The minute a man has to do it, it’ll become a real job! I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I’m just so bored.”

“Let’s face it, baby. This is all about you. This is the Fitzgerald Grant show starring Fitzgerald Grant. And you just want me to play my part as the costar, the dutiful wife, who smiles and acts proud of you and doesn’t eat chicken or wear sweatpants or hang out on graves.”

“The upsetting thing about being as educated as I am and as intelligent as I am is that being the First Lady is profoundly boring.”

“Every married couple alive pretends. They pretend they don’t hate their in-laws or their husband’s stupid jokes or their wife’s laugh or that they don’t actually love one of their children more than the others. Marriage is, well, it’s almost all pretend. For everyone. That’s the reality. That’s what’s real. Buying into the delusion that there’s any other way to live together, to get through an entire life together, that’s, well that’s the fantasy. That’s pretending.”

Parks and Recreation: Ben Wyatt – Type 6w5


Ben is responsible, loyal and neurotic. He is always planning for every aspect of his job and is the complete opposite of Chris. Ben is more realistic, even cynical towards others, imagines the worst and tries to plan for this and often has to deal with the harder issues. He is also very loyal to Chris and they have worked together for a long time, moving from city to city. Chris has a tendency to pawn off the hard-hitting responsibilities to Ben such as firing people.

At his best, Ben is less neurotic and calmer. He accepts that he is valued for his work and begins looking less for support, approval and guidance and becomes more content with his decisions. At his worst, Ben becomes reactive, sarcastic and negative. When he and Leslie break up, he becomes more focused on his work and achievements through his job as he doesn’t want to be vulnerable or distracted.

Ben and Leslie are very similar as they are both good at their jobs, compliant and respecting of authority. This compliments their relationship as they have a lot of common ground and offer each other stability and support. Ben is also very loyal to Leslie and pushes her to reach for her goals and she sees his value and reassures him that she wants him next to her in both their lives and their work.

Ben had a bad experience when he was younger and became the Mayor of his town. Due to his public humiliation, he resolved to himself that he would endeavour to be disciplined, law abiding and responsible. 

Ben has many qualities of a type 1 and I was thinking about typing him as a 1. However, I see Ben as being more focused and concerned with maintaining security and safety in his relationships and life. He seems to really value finding a home in Pawnee with Leslie and sees himself as being secure in his relationship and work. 

Ben has a wing 5 as he is more reserved and introverted than a wing 7. He also loves learning about things that he is interested and sharing this expert knowledge with others.

Tri-type: 6w5 – 1w9 – 3w2

Some quotes to describe Ben’s motivation:

“I’m not afraid of cops. I have no reason to be I never break any laws, ever, because I’m deathly afraid of cops.”

”I was completely flustered, I came off like an idiot. I mean, at one point, for no reason, I just took off my shoes and held them in my hand.

”Thinking about my future. I am deeply ridiculously in love with you. And above everything else, I just want to be with you forever.”

“When I was 18, I ran for mayor of my small town and won. Little bit of anti-establishment voter rebellion I guess. Here’s the thing, though, about 18-year-olds. They’re idiots. So I pretty much ran the place into the ground and after two months got impeached. Worst part was my parents grounded me.”

“Well, you have to be able to make decisions like this, Leslie. You have to be harsh, you know. No one’s going to elect you to do anything if you don’t show that you’re a responsible grown-up.”

“In my time working for the state government, my job sent me to 46 cities in 11 years. I lived in villages with eight people, rural farming communities, college towns. I was sent to every corner of Indiana. And then I came here, and I realized that, this whole time, I was just wandering around, everywhere, just looking for you.”

“Getting married is the most bravest, most wonderful thing you can do”

Dead to Me: Judy Hale – Type 2w1


Judy is caring, friendly and clingy. Judy looks to the approval of others and wants to feel connected to them. She will try to find ways to build friendships and relationships by helping others and doing favours for them. She is well-meaning and will go to great lengths to support the people in her life including Jen, Steve and her elderly friends from the retirement home she works at. 

At her best, Judy is sweet and selfless and wants to be supportive of the people she loves with no strings attached. At her worst, Judy is needy, indecisive and smothering. She becomes obsessive with her need to help and wants to be around for every facet of the lives of the people she is caring for.

Judy is in the lower levels of health throughout the series as she has experienced the trauma of hitting Ted with her car, followed by later events. Due to this we see more negative qualities manifest in her desire to be loved and needed. At her core Judy has a deep fear of being unlovable or unworthy and this leads to her efforts to be as positive, helpful and likeable as she can to forge lasting relationships. Despite this she still has an optimistic outlook on the world and wants to be kind, compassionate and helpful.


She begins her friendship with Jen under false pretences as a way to try and atone for her guilt. Initially, she seeks to support Jen in this difficult time and wants to be a shoulder for her to cry on. As the series continues, it is clear that Judy will do almost anything for Jen and her family…even when she has to come clean about what really happened to Jim.

Judy takes a strong liking to Charlie and Henry and acts like a second mother or nanny to the boys. She becomes very close with Henry and truly enjoys taking care of him and spending time with him. Judy has always wanted a family of her own and tried to begin a family with Steve with no success. As a result of this, she was very depressed and it put strain on their relationship. However, she now sees Jen, Charlie and Henry as her own family.

Judy has a very strong wing 1 as she cares a lot about being considered a good person. She wants to treat people well, do the right thing and is generally very compliant of rules and social norms.

2w1 – 9w1 – 7w6

Some quotes to describe Judy’s motivations:
“If you love someone, they’re always with you, no matter where they go.”

”I’m up all night. Feel free to call me. We can not sleep together.”

”Go ahead and watch me, because all you’re gonna see is a good f***ing person trying to do the right f***ing thing all the time. And maybe I shouldn’t, maybe that’s where I go wrong, but I can’t help myself because it’s in my stupid f***ing nature!”

“Come on. I have tissues and whiskey in my room." 

Jen (about Judy): She is the only person who has been here for me. The only person that doesn’t make me feel like I am failing at everything.”

Parks and Recreation: April Ludgate – Type 4w5

April is sarcastic, dramatic and contrarian. She has a desire to be special and wants to be unique. April  acts like she doesn’t want the approval of others but will often try to impress people with her obscure references and interests.

While she often tries to come across as cool and above working at the Parks and Rec Offices, she has a lot of things in common with the other characters. She often tries to find a negative when talking to her friends to appear like she is dark, unusual and very different from people like Leslie and Chris. April rejects the daily life of Pawnee as she sees it as being mundane and wants to be doing things that are more important and special.

April is somewhat of a loner and often wants to have her own space. She sees herself as an outsider and believes that she is different to the her co-workers and family. It takes her a long time to let people in and start to express her feelings and thoughts to them. This can be seen with how she treats both Andy and Ron.

At her best, April becomes less dramatic and starts to take on more responsibilities. She finds a career that she is passionate about and is able to pursue this with a principled attitude.

At her worst, April becomes melancholy and reactive. She beings to be self-absorbed and will withdraw from her problems or react passionately against those she sees as questioning her.

April takes a long time getting to know Andy and having a relationship with him. They start off as friends and April first realises that she has feelings for Andy. April romanticises Andy and looks past a lot of his idiosyncrasies as she views him as being her perfect partner. When they are not together she wants to make him jealous of her relationship in a way to try and show him what he is missing. After they get together, they have a very accelerated relationship and are married soon after as they are so sure that they are right for each other.

April is insecure and jealous of Andy’s past relationship with Ann. As a result of this, she treats Ann badly and speaks to her abrasively. Especially in the earlier seasons when she is beginning to have feelings for Andy, she will be more confrontational towards Ann and wants to push her away. As the series continues it can be see than she grows more fond of Ann but doesn’t want to admit that to her.

April has a wing 5 as she is less people-oriented than a wing 3 and is more inward thinking and introspective than a wing 3.

Tri-type: 4w5 – 9w8 – 6w5

Some quotes to describe April’s motivations:

“I really only listen to, like, German Death Reggae and Halloween sound effects records from the 1950s. And Bette Midler. Obviously.”

”I’m just an impartial bunny, but I think Ann sucks! And also, I’m the Zodiac Killer!

“I just want to say thank you, and I love you very much. Which is why I decided not to turn you into a sea urchin, which I can do, because I’m an actual witch, with powers, and I’m evil, and -“

“I don’t care about that prize, but I’m gonna win because I want his happiness to away.”

"I guess I kind of hate most things. But I never really seem to hate you. So I want to spend the rest of my life with you, is that cool?”

“I love games that turn people against each other.”

“I hate talking to people.”

“I want to tell people what to do, then send them far away from me.”

Andy: “It’s so much more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.”
April: Yeah, I’m trying to find a way to be annoyed at it, but I’m coming up empty.”

Andy: “Ohh babe you had a crush on me, that’s embarrassing!”
April: “We’re married.”
Andy: “Still!”