Glee: Rachel Berry- Type 3w4


Rachel is competitive, intense and talented. Her whole character is searching for ways to become a star and achieve her dream of being on Broadway. She sees Glee club as another avenue for her to prepare and fine tune her talents on the way to becoming famous.

At her best, Rachel becomes more supportive, friendly and selfless. As she starts to bond with the Glee club she begins to cooperate more with the other Glee club kids and realises that she doesn’t always have to be the star of the group.

At her worst, Rachel becomes selfish, untrustworthy and will do anything to achieve her goal. An example of this is when she is threatened by Sunshine and gives her the wrong information for the location of auditions to stop the rest of Glee club from hearing her. She is very self-serving and has little regard for the safety of Sunshine as long as she will be out of the way so that Rachel will have less competition for solos in Glee club.


At first Rachel seems to idealize Finn as she saw him as the popular “cool” guy and thought he would be the perfect leading man to accompany her as leading lady. However, as they started to get to know each other more she saw him for much more than that. Through her relationship with Finn there are examples of Rachel’s positive and negative behaviours. She can be possessive, controlling and tries to show Finn off at times. But she also showed times where she put Finn first, was much more caring towards him and showed that she genuinely loved him.

Rachel is a very strong-willed and determined individual. However, at times she tries to impress others and this can be through changing some of her outward appearance and personality to present as more likeable. She looked up to Quinn as she was the most popular girl in school and wanted to befriend her. She valued Quinn’s opinions and when Quinn told her she shouldn’t change herself and get plastic surgery, she listened. When she first started dating Finn she was very insecure about his past relationship with Quinn because she thought she was the prettiest and most popular girl in school.

Due to Rachel’s strong desire for success, fame and to be the best, she also has a very deep fear of failure. When Rachel chooses to leave her studies in order to try and film a TV pilot which ends up failing, she becomes depressed and unmotivated. She takes this failure to heart and is afraid of chasing her dreams anymore. 

Tri-type: 3w4 – 1w2 – 6w7

Quotes to describe Rachel’s motivations:

“Look, I know what I’m talking about! I won my first dance competition when I was three months old!”

“You may laugh because every time I sign my name I put a gold star after it, but it’s a metaphor, and metaphors are important. My gold stars are a metaphor for ME being a star.”

“We all have pressures, but you know how I deal with it? The natural way, with a rigorous diet and exercise routine. I’m up at 6:00 AM every day, I have my protein shake with banana and flaxseed oil, and by 6:10 I’m on the elliptical. You know how I motivate myself? Not with anything artificial, I set a goal and I won’t rest until I reach it.”

“School pictures are everything to me. They’re great practice for the paparazzi.”

 “You might think that all the boys in school would totally want to tap this, but my Myspace schedule keeps me way too busy to date.”

“I think the rest of the team expects us to become an item. You, the hot, male lead, and me, the stunning, young ingenue everyone roots for.”

“Nowadays being anonymous is worse than being poor. Fame is the most important thing in our culture today, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that nobody’s just going to hand it to you.”

“I know being my boyfriend is a challenge. I’m not Quinn. I’m not pretty like her, I’m not popular and my personality, though exciting and full of surprises, isn’t exactly low-maintenance.”

Dead to Me: Steve Wood – Type 3w2


Steve is charming, ambitious and selfish. He is a go-getter and places a great emphasis on his career and being rich and successful. Steve wants to be the best and tries to show this to others through his expensive and lavish cars, properties and overall attitude.  When his family is introduced it is shown that Steve was aways the golden boy of the family. He was put on a pedestal for his whole life which explains much of his behaviour earlier in the series and his over inflated ego.

At his best, Steve shows a more caring side towards Judy and begins to take her feeling into account. He tries to be more understanding and empathetic to her pain about the miscarriages and wants to support her. At his worst, Steve is self-involved, deceitful and cruel. This can be seen with how he handles the situation with hitting Ted and influences Judy to cover up the crime.

Steve seems to portray himself in a certain way to impress others and gain their admiration. When he meets Jen he is very friendly and arrogant as he is boasting about his accolades. And trying to charm her. However, it can be seen later in the series that he has been making a lot of underhanded deals and corrupt partnerships in order to create his wealth.


In his relationship with Judy we can see he has moments of his true feelings but he will often mask them. Steve is quite good at repressing his emotions. It is only when he is really threatened with losing his status that he will become angry, aggressive and confrontational. This can be seen when he is desperately looking for Judy after she has turned him into the police for money laundering.

Steve handles his guilt of being in the car with Judy that hit Ted very differently than Judy does. He is content with pretending that nothing has happened as a way of preserving his own lively hood and protecting himself. He appears to move on and go back to his daily life very quickly and advises Judy to do the same.

Steve has a strong wing 2 as he is very people-focussed and will be more inclined to help others to achieve his goals. He is less introspective than a wing 4 and much more extroverted.

3w2 – 7w8 – 8w7

Some quotes to describe Steve’s motivations:
“You have no idea how I looked at my Grandmother, she was a very handsome woman.”

“I really hope that this new guy knows how to take care of you.”

“What kind of friendship is based on lies? And manslaughter?”

Judy: “Well, Steve has a very specific aesthetic.”
Jen: “
What? Modern douche?”

Jen about Steve: "He’s the worst kind of d**k, because he’s like a secret d**k.”

Hi have you done Gine Linetti from Brooklyn 99? I’m curious about that one

Hi Anon, 

Thanks for your request, Gina was really hard for me to type because she has strong elements of 3 and 4, but I settled on 3.

Gina Linetti – Type 3w4


Gina is narcissistic, over-the-top, and genuinely thinks she is better than everyone else. She loves to brag about how amazing she is and constantly puts herself above other people.

Gina has a very strong wing 4, and I was debating typing her as a 4w3 instead, as she has strong qualities of a 4. However, I think overall she is very focused on projecting herself as the best to others, rather than being unique. Although she is very over-dramatic, quirky and creative, I think that at her core she cares more about being the best than being unique. As both 3s and 4s are in the image triad it can be hard to distinguish between them.

At her best, Gina becomes more open to the people around her and begins to stop putting others down. She also begins to realise that being the best isn’t everything, and that her friendships matter more. When she becomes a mother, she realises that there are some things more important than being the best. Despite her humongous ego, Gina will still help her friends, especially Jake, when they need her help

At her worst, Gina is narcissistic and dismissive of the other members of the Nine-Nine. Gina loves to brag about herself, because she thinks it can make her seem cooler to other people. She finds it difficult to accept responsibility for anything. She also alienates her friends with her constant “I’m better than you” attitude.

3s will often lie to those around them to try and hide their shortcomings or to seem better than they are. Gina constantly lies to those around her, and they are often really outlandish. Her lies are always based on hiding her true self and maintaining her ego.

Gina will never give up, and will always find the self-confidence to pick herself up after a failure, which is one of the 3’s greatest traits. For example, she still survives being hit by a bus, and comes back to work only weeks later.

Tri-type: 3w4 – 7w8 – 8w7

Some quotes to describe Gina’s motivations

“You should make me your campaign manager. I was born for politics. I have great hair, and I love lying.”

“Hi, Gina Linetti. The human form of the 100 emoji.”

“My mother cried on the day I was born because she knew she would never be better than me.”

“I would spend my $5,000 to buy backstage passes to Britney, and then I’d ask her one question: You think you’re a better dancer than me?”

“What? The only thing I’m not good at is modesty, because I’m great at it.”

“The English language cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts, so I’m incorporating emoji into my speech to better express myself. Winky face.”

“If I die, turn my tweets into a book.”

“I feel like I’m the Paris of people.”

“Attention, skeezy nobodies! Tina Knowles, Beyonce’s mom-ager, has contacted me and wants to audition me tonight. I’ve transcended you now.”

Scandal: Mellie Grant – Type 3w2


Mellie is
extremely ambitious, charming, and often changes her personality to fit the
situation. Throughout the
series, Mellie is constantly working towards becoming the first female
president of the United States. She knows what she wants, and she will do
anything to achieve her goals, like a typical 3.

At her worst,
Mellie disintegrates to 9 and becomes depressive and withdrawn after the death of
her son Jerry. She becomes disinterested in her goals, and spends most of her
days eating snacks, watching TV and drinking alcohol.

At her best, she
is able to achieve her goals of becoming the president, and she is a good
leader. She also begins focusing less on her goals, and more on her
relationships with others (integrating to 6).

3s can be morally
grey and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means
they are hurting others. Mellie will often do questionable things (especially with
Cyrus) to further her career. For example, Cyrus and her jump at the chance to
rig the election for Fitz, regardless of the moral implications, whereas Olivia
was more conflicted. 


Mellie is very
sensitive about her relationship with Fitz and is extremely jealous of Olivia.
However, she does not want to get a divorce from Fitz as it would affect her
future chances for presidency. Additionally, at her core, she wants to be loved
by Fitz for who she is and is very attached to him, because she doesn’t want to
be alone.

3s define their
worth in their achievements, however, they want to be loved regardless of their
success. Marcus loves Mellie for who she is, not her achievements, and their
relationship is quite stable.

Mellie is
committed to portraying herself as a great First Lady and craves the approval of
the general public. Accordingly, she will often curate her persona to ensure that
she is liked by the public. However, this is often a façade as Mellie rarely shows
her true feelings to anyone. Mellie thinks that everyone pretends to an extent, and that there is nothing wrong with lying.

She shows her wing
2 as she is very warm and extroverted, as opposed to a wing 4 which is more

Tri-type: 3w2 – 6w7 – 1w9

Some quotes to describe Mellie’s motivations

he exists because I say he exists”

“America can forgive a man a hundred infidelities, but they will never forgive a woman even one. I will be ruined. Finished. Done.”

“When a woman is President, they’ll suddenly make First Lady an official paid position. The minute a man has to do it, it’ll become a real job! I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I’m just so bored.”

“Let’s face it, baby. This is all about you. This is the Fitzgerald Grant show starring Fitzgerald Grant. And you just want me to play my part as the costar, the dutiful wife, who smiles and acts proud of you and doesn’t eat chicken or wear sweatpants or hang out on graves.”

“The upsetting thing about being as educated as I am and as intelligent as I am is that being the First Lady is profoundly boring.”

“Every married couple alive pretends. They pretend they don’t hate their in-laws or their husband’s stupid jokes or their wife’s laugh or that they don’t actually love one of their children more than the others. Marriage is, well, it’s almost all pretend. For everyone. That’s the reality. That’s what’s real. Buying into the delusion that there’s any other way to live together, to get through an entire life together, that’s, well that’s the fantasy. That’s pretending.”

The Feeling Triad (2, 3, 4)

The feeling triad is also known as the ‘image,’ ‘heart’ and ‘shame’ triads, as they are very concerned with their self-image and their shame is their central feeling. They compensate for a lack of connection to their heart and feelings by cultivating a specific self-image, and they are very concerned with how they are viewed with others. There are two major themes in this triad involving identity issues and problems with hostility. Since they change their identity for affection, they know that it is not fully real, so they get hostile when their identity is questioned.

Type 2:  2s think that they will gain affection from others by doing things for others and people-pleasing so that others need them. 2s want positive reactions from others from their actions. Their self-image is focused outwardly towards others, so they put more emphasis on the feelings of others above their own – E.g. “what do you need from me?” Feelings of hostility can arise when they feel under-appreciated, however they try to conceal these feelings.

Type 3: 3s think that they will gain affection from others by achieving things and becoming outstanding so that others value them. 3s want validation from the people in their lives (friends, family members, romantic partners), and their worth is intrinsically linked with their achievements. 3s direct this both outwardly and inwardly as they are the centre of the triad, meaning they want validation both internally and externally – e.g. “I am very successful. Do you think I am successful and worthy?”

Type 4:  4s think that they will gain affection from other by being unique and being interesting, so that others want to get to know them. 4s focus on being ‘different’ to others, and they want people to validate that they are unique. 4s focus their energy inwardly, and are very in touch with their own feelings and are introspective – E.g. “I am unique and others should see me as that, if not they don’t deserve me.” They are the most estranged from others in this triad, and as they disintegrate they can become more withdrawn.

Hornevian Types/Social Styles in the Enneagram

The Hornevian Groups were created and named for Karen Horney, who first suggested there were groupings based on how people interact with others in order to meet their own needs. Enneagram was not specifically created with these groups in mind, however the types fit neatly into the three groups. There are three different groups; the assertive types are 3, 7 and 8, the compliant types are 1, 2 and 6 and the withdrawn types are 4, 5, 9.

Note: Each type wants to gain different things depending on whether they are thinking/head (5, 6, 7), feeling/heart (2, 3, 4) or instinctive/gut types (8, 9, 1). Generally, the thinking triad desires security, the feeling triad desires attention and the instinctive triad desires autonomy.

Assertive Types (3, 7, 8): These types are very proactive and direct as they go after what they believe they need. They have strong ideas of what they want and they will act to get their needs met. They can sometimes seem to have a sense of importance or entitlement about them as a result. These types can be independent and assertive, but can seem aggressive and demanding to others. Simply put, they move against others to get what they want (e.g. rebelling or challenging others).

Compliant Types (1, 2, 6): These types are usually very obedient of rules and other people’s feelings and opinions more generally. They attempt to earn their desires and are very driven by their superegos (their moral code, what they ‘should’ do). These types would usually be considered the ‘goody-two shoes’ of the enneagram. These types are usually committed, hard-working and responsible, however they can have a hard time relaxing and letting loose. These types are compliant to those around them, and can often overlook their own needs in favour of others and can seem self-sacrificing.

Withdrawn Types (4, 5, 9): These types withdraw from others and can often seem quite disengaged with the outer world. They withdraw to both deal with their needs and to get their needs met. They can be introspective, imaginative, but they can have trouble taking charge or being direct with others. They are sometimes more involved in their dreams and fantasies, rather than reality. Generally, these types move away from people to get what they want (e.g. withdrawing, becoming introverted).

These groups are easily identifiable, and can often be the cause of mistypings and misidentifications. For example, 6s and 1s are often misidentify with one or the other, as they are both very compliant and obedient towards belief systems. However, 1s are more focused on their own moral code, whereas 6s are more focused on external belief systems or authority figures.

If there is any interest in a particular type, we’re happy to do a post on the specifics, as this a very general overview 😊

Harmonic Types in the Enneagram

These types show how a person will react and cope when they do not get what they want. They reveal the way our personality defends against loss, conflict and disappointment. There are three different groups for the enneagram. They are the positive outlook types (2, 7, 9), the competent types (1, 3, 5) and the reactive types (4, 6, 8).

Positive Outlook: (2, 7, 9): These types react to conflict and disappointment by trying to adopt a ‘positive’ attitude. They will try to reframe the situation in a positive light, and are often considered ‘glass half-full’ people. These types will often deny that they even have a problem, and will try to tell others that they are fine. 2s, 7s, and 9s also often have trouble balancing the needs of themselves with the needs of others around them. For example, 2s focus too much on the needs of others, 7s focus too much on their own needs and 9s can oscillate between the two. As a result, they will often not face their problems head-on and will try to deny their existence.

Competency: (1, 3, 5): These types react to conflict in an unemotional, objective and detached way. They have learnt to put aside their own problems in favour of ‘getting the job done.’ They often try to use logic to solve problems, and expect others will do the same, so they cannot understand the reactions of other types (especially the reactive types). 1s, 3s and 5s are confused about their role in systems and structures, and how much they should follow the rules of said structure. For example, 1s operate within the rules, 3s can do both depending on their goals and 5s often operate outside of the rules. Consequently, they approach their problems in the same way.

Reactive: (4, 6, 8): These types react emotionally to conflicts and their thinking can often be clouded by their feelings and emotions. They want others to react similarly to their problems, and will have strong opinions on certain things. They may be the type to want others to terminate friendships with others because they don’t like them or they betrayed their trust. They deal with their problems quickly and often explode, however after the explosion of emotion they will often move on more quickly than other types. 4s, 6s and 8s are concerned with control and fear being betrayed by others. For example, 4s subconsciously want to be taken care of, 6s want to both take care of and be taken care of and 8s want to be providers and take care of others.

If there is interest, we are happy to elaborate on specific types, as this is just a general overview 😊

Legacies: Lizzie Saltzman – Type 3w4


Type 3 are described as the achiever and they are ambitious, driven and adaptable. At their best, they strive to achieve their goals and are able to work well with others and see their value beyond their achievements. At their worst, they can become deceitful and have a mentality of winning at any cost.

Lizzie is honest, self-absorbed and competitive. She strives to be in the limelight and wants to be seen as the best. She desperately wants to be recognised for her achievements as we can see with her desire to win the annual football matches against Mystic Falls High, her romantic relationships, her status as the queen bee of the Salvatore School and wanting to be elected for the student council.

Lizzie also tries to get the attention of Alaric and is very jealous of his relationship with Hope. She sometimes acts as if the more accolades she has will impress Alaric and make him look past her emotional fragility. Lizzie resents that she has meltdowns and confides in Alaric that she wishes she could be more like Josie as she sees this as a major flaw and insecurity in her life.

While she is very emotional, this can be attributed to her strong wing 4. I was debating if her core motivation was a 4 and wanting to be unique and special. However, Lizzie doesn’t like the fact that she is different and wants to be able to blend in with everyone else. She is much more concerned with becoming more stable and showing others her worth. Lizzie is also recognised in the show as having a mental disorder which can skew her emotions and show her as having dramatic mood swings. As she has more therapy and time to support this she becomes less overtly emotional.


Lizzie’s relationship with Josie shows that she can be selfish and will not always listen to the needs of her sister. We can see she really loves Josie and will stand up for her when she feels someone is hurting her. As the show continues she becomes less selfish and tries to allow more room for Josie and her other friends such as MG and Hope.

At her best, Lizzie is brave, kind and hardworking. She is willing to put her wants aside to work along with others and will risk her own safety for those she loves. Lizzie is very caring and shows this through her actions and loyalty to those she cares about.

At her worst, Lizzie becomes fixated on an idea and will become adamant about achieving her desire. She is unapologetic about using people to get what she wants and becomes very selfish.

Lizzie has a tendency to want to project the perfect image to others and she feels very threatened of being disliked and other peoples opinions of her. When MG tells her that she is having hallucinations of Sebastian she becomes extremely defensive as she doesn’t want to be viewed as crazy. She lashes out and feels betrayed that he wants to reveal this to others as it shows her in a negative light.

Tri-type: 3w4 – 6w7 – 8w7

Some quotes to describe Lizzie’s motivations:

I’ve thought about becoming a vampire. Of course I’ve thought about it. If I did, there wouldn’t be a merge. And my skin would stay flawless forever.”

“I’m getting back to me. I am who I am”

“Don’t say whatever it is you’re about to say because you have Dad face, and wherever Dad face goes, daughter disappointment always follows.” 

Josie: “You know, you’re not going to lose the election over an outfit.” 
Lizzie: “I’m not worried about losing the election. I’m worried about what I’m going to wear to my victory rally. The outfit makes the speech.” 
Josie: “Maybe you should wear something that shows your fellow witches that you’re going to take this seriously. It’s a big responsibility.” 
Lizzie: “That is why I’m perfect for the job. I’m a taste maker, an influencer. People don’t really know what they want until I tell them that they want it. They need me.”

“I spent a lot of time bettering myself over the summer and I need you all to rise to my level.”

Lizzie: “Dad, do you think I’m broken?” 
Alaric: “Of course not. I think your biological mother’s crazy-ass witch ancestors left you with a legacy of darkness that you have to work through.”
Lizzie: “But Josie doesn’t have freak outs.”

Hi! Could you explain more about attachment types?

Hi Anon,

Thanks so much for your question 🙂

The attachment types are part of the object relations triad, which also consists of the frustration and rejection types. Attachment types are 3, 6, 9, frustration types are 1, 4, 7 and rejection types are 2, 5, 8. Object relation theory suggests that our first relationships as children form our expectations of adult relationships.

In a nutshell, attachment types want to feel like their needs are being met (with people, things, situations). Their sense of self is deeply based on their relationships with others, and they are likely to adapt themselves to be consistent with important people or things. This is why 3s, 6s and 9s often struggle with their identity. Additionally, these types are all connected within the integration and disintegration, e.g. 3s disintegrate into 9s, 9s disintegrate into 6s, 6s disintegrate into 3s and vice versa for integration.

Type 3s: 3s are driven by their need for success and seek validation from others, so they will likely adapt their self-image to be consistent to the expectations and values of others. If they project those values, they think they will gain validation and respect from others. Basically, their attachment is based on their self-image and validation from others.

Type 6s: 6s are driven by their need for security and phobic 6s often follow authority closely, so they will adapt their belief systems to be consistent with authority figures. 6s doubt their own beliefs and security, so they seek security through belief systems and authority figures. Their sense of self is based on their associations and relationships with others, as it makes them feel safer. In essence, their attachment is based on their loyalty and association to important groups and/or people.

Type 9s: 9s are driven by their need for peace and comfort, so they will likely change and adapt their opinions and desires to be consistent with others. 9s believe if they have the same opinions as others there is no chance of creating conflict and they will maintain peace. 9s try to create harmony by changing and melding with others to ensure there is no conflict. Basically, their attachment is based on their idealised view of the world, and they will adapt to create this view.

The main question for attachment types is; How can I preserve what I have? 3s want to preserve their image of success, 6s want to preserve their security and 9s want to preserve their peace and comfort. This is why 3s, 6s and 9s present similarly as they all adapt according to their attachment style. They can also come across as contradictory as they change themselves according to the situation, and they can be people-pleasers.

If there is interest, we might do a post on the rejection and frustration types as well.

Riverdale: Cheryl Blossom – Type 3w4


Cheryl is self-absorbed, intelligent and ambitious. Cheryl is very image conscious and one of her main goals is presenting herself as the most popular and fabulous girl at Riverdale High. After Jason’s death it becomes even more important for Cheryl to show her family her worth through her achievements of cheerleading and her popularity at school. While, she loves her brother dearly, she has felt like she was in the shadows compared to him and has needed to find ways to get the attention of her parents, friends and school mates.

She feels very lost without Jason as she is unsure of who she is without him and begins to question her identity. She relies on seeing herself as the Captain of the River Vixens and other roles she has assigned herself, rather than her true wants and feelings. It also leads to her presenting herself as what she thinks is expected from her and fulfilling the wants of those around her as the strong, mean girl. This is another reason why she will fight back so strongly if she feels any of these things are threatened as it is what she believes gives her self worth.

Cheryl is very emotional but can hide her feelings from others. She will often want to use deflection tactics against others to mask her insecurities. Cheryl can be very cruel when she is feeling attacked and will say hurtful things to others as a defence to counter what they are saying about her and to project an image that she is doing fine.


Cheryl is emotionally closed off when in her relationship with Toni. It takes her a long time to feel comfortable to let her walls down and show some of the insecurities that she has been hiding. With Toni, Cheryl shows both positive growth as well as negative aspects of a 3. She can be self-absorbed, domineering and possessive of Toni. She also shows Toni her softer side and shows her kindness, loyalty and listens to her opinions.

At her best, Cheryl works towards her goals with others and considers the thoughts and opinions of her friends. She slows down and cooperates to ensure her goals are met.

At her worst, Cheryl becomes consumed with a goal and will stop at no lengths to achieve her goal. She can become conniving, vengeful and doesn’t care who is standing in the way of what she wants.

At her core, Cheryl has a desire to be liked and wants to be the best. When she is kicked out of the Serpents her first thought is to create a new gang that will be her own and better than the Serpents. This allows her now to be in charge of the group and also be able to show the Serpents that she doesn’t need their group.

Cheryl has a strong 4 wing as she is emotional and more prone to letting her feeling spill out in a more dramatic fashion. She has strong motivations of power like an 8 and has this in her tri-type but it is not her dominant desire. Her dominate motivation is more in line with a 3 and to be seen by others as the best.

Tri-type: 3w4 – 8w7 – 6w7

Some quotes to describe Cheryl’s motivations:

“Did you really think you could have a party without inviting moi?”

“Listen up fives, a ten is speaking.

"You’re welcome to challenge me, but you’ll lose”

“I’m Cheryl Blossom aka Cheryl Bombshell. Which means I need no reasons. I simply am.”

“I want to be a role model for all people. Even the ones who need makeup really badly.”

"I’m too cute and all the other girls are jealous.”

“Never pass a mirror without looking in it.“

"Where are we going and how extravagant a wardrobe should I pack?”

“Everything looks good on me.”

“If you breathe, it’s because I give you air.”