Never Have I Ever: Devi Vishwakumar – Type 6w7

Devi is responsible, nervous, and insecure. She tries to portray herself as confident, but she is very insecure in many aspects of her life. Devi is very sarcastic and often uses humour to mask her real emotions.

Throughout the series, Devi is disintegrating to 3 as she is in the lower levels of health. After her father’s death and her temporary paralysis, she felt she was the laughingstock of the school, so she wanted to be popular. So, she can come across a bit like a 3 as she is very concerned with her image and status in high school.

At her worst, she becomes panicky, volatile and is prone to outbursts of anger due to her anxiety. She alienates most of her friends and family through this behaviour and begins to have a mentality of “I don’t need anybody, I only trust myself.”

At her best, she begins to deal with the consequences of her father’s death and tries to mend her relationships with her friends and family. She also begins to stop caring so much about what other people think.

Devi is mostly compliant towards her parent’s wishes, as she is an Honours student and participated in all the extracurriculars (like the harp) that they told her to do. However, she is beginning to defy her mother’s wishes, as she doesn’t want to be controlled by her and wants to have more freedom. 6s often have complicated relationships with authority, and will sometimes push back against it if they feel it isn’t right.

Her relationships with her friends help her to be less insecure and calmer. Fabiola and Eleanor are her best friends, and she really values her friendships with them. However, she is inconsiderate of their feelings when she chooses Paxton over them, leading to conflict. She realises how important they are to her and starts to be more caring towards them.

6s often have mixed feelings about different things and people. Devi is conflicted between Ben and Paxton and doesn’t know exactly what she wants. She has always had a crush on Paxton, and he is the most popular guy in school. Whereas, she has always known Ben as a rival, until she sees a different side of him.

Tri-type: 6w7 – 3w4 – 1w2

Some quotes to describe Devi’s motivation:

“If women didn’t accept each other’s apologies, The View would grind to a halt.”

“I’m a delight! I should punch you in the Adam’s Apple for saying that.”

“Winning over old-ass teacher types is my superpower.”

“I’d like to be invited to a party with alcohol and hard drugs. I’m not gonna do them, I’d just like the opportunity to say, “No cocaine for me, thanks. I’m good.”

“Hey gods, it’s Devi Vishwakumar, your favorite Hindu girl in the San Fernando Valley. What’s a-poppin’?”

“I don’t negotiate with terrorists, Ben. And honestly, I’m mature enough to be on my own. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna Google how to buy a credit card.”

Scandal: Huck – Type 6w5


Huck is paranoid, reliable, and extremely loyal to Olivia and the Gladiators. Huck has experienced a lot of trauma, so he is in the lower levels of health. As he is in the lower levels of health, he exhibits many of the bad traits of 6s, such as paranoia, aggressiveness, and neuroticism.

At his best, Huck will do anything for the people he loves and begins to become less panicky and manic. For example, he is extremely loyal towards Olivia, and he will do anything in his power to keep her safe. When Olivia is kidnapped, he works tirelessly to save her, as he has on many other occasions.

At his worst, he is aggressive, violent, and unpredictable. There have been many instances throughout the series, where Huck relishes hurting other people and becomes unhinged.


Huck is very focused on authority figures, and often followed the orders of his superiors, even when they were immoral. As a B6-13 agent, he had to do many bad things, however, he wasn’t able to stand up for himself, instead he complied with their orders.

When he leaves B6-13, he is terrified for the safety of his family, and he decides that it is better for him to distance himself from them because it isn’t safe. However, he really wants a relationship with his family as it was the only place he felt at home. So, he decides he will testify against B6-13 once and for all, so that he can ensure the safety of his family.

It takes a while for Huck to let people in as he doesn’t trust easily, like a typical 6. He also keeps secrets from the other Gladiators, especially Quinn as he doesn’t want to put them in danger, and he doesn’t know if they can be trusted.

I think he has more of a 5 wing as he is very withdrawn and is less overtly anxious than a wing 7. He often investigates and observes, before acting to ensure he has the best course of action, although sometimes he can be impulsive.

Tri-type: 6w5 – 4w5 – 9w8

Some quotes to explain Huck’s motivations

“He’s a normal person, Quinn. We have to protect him. We can’t let him be friends with us.”

“I pulled your teeth out because you couldn’t mind your own business. You can never mind your own business, Quinn. And if I had to do it all again to teach you that one valuable lesson, I would.”

“Do you have any idea how many times you’ve asked me to do things that I didn’t want to do but I did them because you asked me to? B613 took away my family, Liv, my life, my name. They destroyed me.”

[to Olivia] “I was pretty sure somebody hacked you into pieces and burned your body. I’m really glad that’s not true.”

Olivia: “Have you been waiting for me to come home? Am I your plan?”
u always fix me.” 

Parks and Recreation: Ben Wyatt – Type 6w5


Ben is responsible, loyal and neurotic. He is always planning for every aspect of his job and is the complete opposite of Chris. Ben is more realistic, even cynical towards others, imagines the worst and tries to plan for this and often has to deal with the harder issues. He is also very loyal to Chris and they have worked together for a long time, moving from city to city. Chris has a tendency to pawn off the hard-hitting responsibilities to Ben such as firing people.

At his best, Ben is less neurotic and calmer. He accepts that he is valued for his work and begins looking less for support, approval and guidance and becomes more content with his decisions. At his worst, Ben becomes reactive, sarcastic and negative. When he and Leslie break up, he becomes more focused on his work and achievements through his job as he doesn’t want to be vulnerable or distracted.

Ben and Leslie are very similar as they are both good at their jobs, compliant and respecting of authority. This compliments their relationship as they have a lot of common ground and offer each other stability and support. Ben is also very loyal to Leslie and pushes her to reach for her goals and she sees his value and reassures him that she wants him next to her in both their lives and their work.

Ben had a bad experience when he was younger and became the Mayor of his town. Due to his public humiliation, he resolved to himself that he would endeavour to be disciplined, law abiding and responsible. 

Ben has many qualities of a type 1 and I was thinking about typing him as a 1. However, I see Ben as being more focused and concerned with maintaining security and safety in his relationships and life. He seems to really value finding a home in Pawnee with Leslie and sees himself as being secure in his relationship and work. 

Ben has a wing 5 as he is more reserved and introverted than a wing 7. He also loves learning about things that he is interested and sharing this expert knowledge with others.

Tri-type: 6w5 – 1w9 – 3w2

Some quotes to describe Ben’s motivation:

“I’m not afraid of cops. I have no reason to be I never break any laws, ever, because I’m deathly afraid of cops.”

”I was completely flustered, I came off like an idiot. I mean, at one point, for no reason, I just took off my shoes and held them in my hand.

”Thinking about my future. I am deeply ridiculously in love with you. And above everything else, I just want to be with you forever.”

“When I was 18, I ran for mayor of my small town and won. Little bit of anti-establishment voter rebellion I guess. Here’s the thing, though, about 18-year-olds. They’re idiots. So I pretty much ran the place into the ground and after two months got impeached. Worst part was my parents grounded me.”

“Well, you have to be able to make decisions like this, Leslie. You have to be harsh, you know. No one’s going to elect you to do anything if you don’t show that you’re a responsible grown-up.”

“In my time working for the state government, my job sent me to 46 cities in 11 years. I lived in villages with eight people, rural farming communities, college towns. I was sent to every corner of Indiana. And then I came here, and I realized that, this whole time, I was just wandering around, everywhere, just looking for you.”

“Getting married is the most bravest, most wonderful thing you can do”

The Thinking Triad (5, 6, 7)

The thinking triad is also known as the ‘head’ and ‘fear’ triads as they are very ‘in their own head’ and their central emotion is fear. The thinking triad wants to find a sense of security and guidance in their world, but they do it in vastly different ways. They are concerned about the future, and are always thinking “what’s going to happen to me?” These types are prone to overthinking everything, and cannot get their minds to ‘quiet down’, hence they are the head triad.

Type 5: 5s think that they will gain security through knowledge. 5s will often retreat inwardly as they think their mind is the only safe place in the world. They are also concerned that they do not have skills to bring to reality, and rely on gaining knowledge so they are useful. 5s think that they need to be independent, so they will retreat internally and will try not to rely on anyone else. “The world is scary, the only thing I can actually control is my own mind!”

Type 6: 6s think they will gain security through their associations and relationships with others (usually authority figures). As 6s are in the centre of the triad, they focus their energy both inwardly and outwardly. 6s will often launch into action in anticipation of the future, but being afraid of the consequences and being mistaken they will retreat into themselves like a five. Depending on a 6s wings, they will do one or the other more. For example, a 6w5 will be more internally focused, whereas a 6w7 will be more outwardly nervous and show their anxiety more. e.g. “I’m worried this will happen, better stop it before it does!“

Type 7: 7s think they will gain security by experiencing the outside world and having fun. 7s seem to be afraid of nothing, however, their fear lies within their internal world, as they are afraid of their emotions. 7s focus their energy outwardly as they do not want to deal with their fear, so they keep their minds busy with external experiences. 7s try to reject their need for nurturing and drive themselves into activities to forget their need for others. E.g. “I don’t want to deal with my feelings, let’s do something fun!”

Veronica Mars – Type 6w7


Type 6s are reliable, loyal, hard-working and insecure. Type 6s have the basic desire to be safe and have stability, which often manifests in their relationships. They have a basic fear of being without support or guidance. At their best, 6s are self-reliant and content with themselves, and at their worst, they are full of self-doubt and insecurities.

At her best, Veronica is shown to be very hard-working and driven, which is shown through her commitment towards achieving the Kane scholarship while working a full time job. She is also shown to be incredibly loyal to those who are close to her which is evident in her relationships with Wallace and Keith. For instance, when Keith accuses Jake Kane of Lily’s murder, Veronica chooses to stand by him even at the cost of her social status and friendships.

At her worst, she is mistrustful and neurotic which manifests most clearly in her relationships. For example, Veronica was suspicious of everyone around her when investigating the murder of Lily Kane, even those who she was close with like Duncan and Logan.

Veronica does not often trust things at face value and tends to believe that people have ulterior motives underlying their actions. She is shown to be incredibly sarcastic, which is a hallmark of a type 6. Veronica presents with a tough exterior and acts like she doesn’t care what people think of her. However, she is shown to care deeply about others and what they think of her. 

Veronica’s relationship with Logan highlights both good and bad aspects of the type 6. Firstly, she is afraid of what other people think about her relationship with Logan and hides it from people in her life. She’s also reluctant to enter into a relationship with him as she has seen that he can be dangerous and aggressive. However, when she is happy with Logan she begins feeling more secure in herself and open with the relationship. At the end of the revival, she has finally worked through her issues with commitment and is willing to marry Logan (and that’s how it ends in my brain).


Veronica is an example of a counter-phobic type 6, which means she is more impulsive and likely to take risks. She is also shown to be distrustful of authority figures, like Sheriff Lamb and a disdain for the status quo of Neptune. Veronica faces danger head on and often reacts aggressively when provoked.

Tritype: 6w7 (cp) – 1w2 – 2w1

Some quotes to describe Veronica’s motivations:

I used to think I knew what tore our family apart. Now I’m sure I don’t. But I promise this: I will find out what really happened, and I will bring this family back together again. I’m sorry, is that mushy? Well, you know what they say. Veronica Mars, she’s a marshmallow.”

Keith: “I never want you to think that your mom is the villain in all of this.”
Veronica: “Isn’t she?”
Keith: “No, it’s not that simple…”
Veronica: “Yeah it is. The hero is the one that stays… and the villain is the one that splits.”

Nathan: “You realize you’re paranoid.”
Veronica:I do. Everyone reminds me. But it doesn’t mean I’m not right.”

Logan:A file on Duncan.”
Veronica:There’s a file on everyone.”
Logan:Yeah. It’s thorough. And I’m glad my alibi held up.”
Veronica:Out of the country. Two eye witnesses, it’s airtight.”
Logan:Hey, what do you think Lilly would make of you investigating all the people who loved her?”
Veronica: “I loved Lilly. Maybe if I didn’t, I’d be able to drop this.”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Amy Santiago – Type 6w7


Type 6s are reliable, loyal, hard-working and insecure. Type 6s have the basic desire to be safe and have stability, which often manifests in their relationships. They have a basic fear of being without support or guidance. At their best, 6s are self-reliant and content with themselves, and at their worst, they are full of self-doubt and insecurities.

Amy is very organised, hard working and reliable. She is often very concerned about other’s opinions and wants everyone to like her. Sometimes, this leads to going overboard when trying to impress her peers. Amy is loyal to the Nine-Nine and is very protective of them. She often wants to control what is going on in her life, in order to feel more secure. Amy has a manic energy about her which is often attributed to Type 6s.

I was debating typing Amy as a Type 1, because she is very organised and rule oriented, but these are also traits which are evident in Type 6s. Type 6s show a lot of respect towards rules and are afraid of breaking them. Type 6s also have an interesting relationship with authority, depending on the individual. Some 6s mistrust authority (usually counter phobic 6s), whereas, other Type 6s tend to gravitate to authority as they can provide stability. 6s will tend to idealise authority if they believe them to be a good leader. Amy’s relationship with Holt demonstrates in spades, this flocking towards authority figures. She is often trying very hard to win his approval and values his opinion immensely.

Furthermore, Amy is shown to plan everything in her life very meticulously and is shown to have great anxiety when things do not go according to plan. For example, Amy developed a smoking habit to deal with the high levels of stress that she feels. Additionally, when trying to have a baby with Jake, she plans and schedules every aspect to the most minute detail.


Amy and Jake complement each other well in their relationship. While, Jake is very spontaneous and impulsive, Amy is the opposite. Amy brings out a more mature side to Jake and helps him focus more on the future. Whereas, Jake helps Amy become more spontaneous and have more fun. Sometimes, they conflict over Jake’s childishness as Amy worries it threatens their security. For example, Jake bets the couple’s new car in the Jimmy Jab games, which infuriates Amy as they need to have a car.

Tri-type: 6w7 – 1w2 – 3w2

Some quotes to describe Amy’s traits and motivations:

“Okay, well. I’ve been planning this wedding for the last six months.”

“And if you told me yesterday everything that was gonna go wrong, I would have had a panic attack that sent me into the ER. But I’m here, and I’ve never been happier. Life is unpredictable. Not everything’s in our control. But as long as you’re with the right people, you can handle anything. And you, Jake Peralta, are the right person for me. But I do have some bad news. There is a bomb at this wedding as well.”

“Look, it’s okay. We all have fears. I’m so claustrophobic, I can’t even go into the downstairs supply closet. I hear they have some hot new binder clips, but I’ll never know.”

“Cruise itineraries, hot out of the laminator. Who’s ready for some nonstop totally scheduled fun?”

“Okay. First, the good news. I’ve generated a detailed timeline broken down into 30-second increments to keep us on track. The bad news: we’re already 16.5 increments behind schedule.”

Amy: “Absolutely, sir! I won’t just head it up, I will head and shoulders it up. I will dive in, and swim around it, and just be altogether go-good with it.”
Holt: “Be more articulate when you speak to the children.”
Amy: “Yes, sir, I will make better mouth.”

Holt: “I’m disappointed, Santiago. I thought you and I were close.”
Amy: “I know you’re manipulating me… but I love it, and I will tell you anything.”

Amy:My parents arrange the photos of their kids by who makes them the proudest. Number one goes on the mantel above the fireplace, two through four on the piano, and the rest are on the staircase.”
osa:This is wack. So David’s on the mantel?”
my:Always. Meanwhile, my picture gathers dust on the piano.”

Rosa:I’ve never met anyone who cares so much about stupid bureaucracy.”
my:Bureaucracy is not stupid. It’s elegant. It’s a beautiful puzzle waiting to be cracked. Every rule, every form has its purpose. It all fits together, and when the puzzle is solved and you take a step back and see the big picture, it’s like staring into the face of God.”

Hello! Do you know other characters than Landon Kirby and Lena Luthor that might be 6w5? :)

Hi Anon,

Thanks for your question. These are some quick typings of some 6w5 characters, we might be doing full-length typings in the future, so keep on eye out 🙂

Emily Thorne – 6w5 – Revenge

Emma Swan – 6w5 – Once Upon a Time

Joey Potter – 6w5 – Dawson’s Creek

Huck – 6w5 – Scandal

Alexander Mahone – 6w5 – Prison Break

Will Graham – 6w5 – Hannibal

Petra Solano – 6w5 – Jane the Virgin

Carla Rosón Caleruega – 6w5 – Elite

Alaric Saltzman – 6w5 – The Vampire Diaries/Legacies

Luke Danes 6w5 – Gilmore Girls

This is just a quick list I could think of on the spot, I’m sure there’s many more. If you have any more specific questions, or want to request a full typing we are more than happy to take request 🙂

Supergirl: Winn Schott – Type 6w7


Type 6s are reliable, loyal, hard-working and suspicious. Type 6s have the basic desire to be safe and have stability, which often manifests in their relationships. They have a basic fear of being without support or guidance. At their best, 6s are self-reliant and content with themselves, and at their worst, they are full of self-doubt and insecurities.

Winn is friendly, goofy, loyal and insecure. He greatly values the support and friendships of others and sees himself as a “good” friend. When Kara revealed her super identity to him he is supportive and eager to help her in any way he can. He remains loyal to Kara and her secret even when he is deeply disappointed that she doesn’t have romantic feelings for him.

At his best, Winn is deeply loyal and caring towards the people he trusts and loves. He becomes more confident in his own abilities and is able to work well with others to create new technology.

At his worst, Winn can become quite sarcastic and anxious of the opinions and motivations of others. He becomes more insecure and as a result will react to others, even projecting some of his insecurities onto his friends and in relationships.

Winn worries about the impression he makes on others and wants to be well-liked. When the team finds out about his father being a villain it is a large area of insecurity for him. He spends a lot of time trying to prove to the others that he is not like his father despite the team having faith in him and knowing his true character.


Due to his childhood, Winn also craves having safe relationships with friends and romantically to build his own family. He is wary of trusting others at first but when he does he becomes a life-long friend/partner. He wants to be accepted and feels secure in relationships and believes that once he is open with others the way they can show this is to give him the security of accepting him for who he is.

While Winn has a strong interest in knowledge, I think he has a wing 7 as he is more extroverted and has an outwardly nervous energy that appears more awkward in his interactions with others. Winn also has a playful side and enjoys making jokes with his friends. When comparing Winn with Lena, who is a 6w5, it can be seen that he has a very different energy than her and is much more open and friendly at first glance but shares the core insecurities and fears of the 6.

Tri-type: 6w7 – 9w1 – 2w1

Some quotes to describe Winn’s motivations:

”I have made some true friendships. That has been the best part of my life.

“The day he set off a toy bomb and killed six people is the day I stopped being his son.”

“Yeah, well, I have. After my father went to prison. And I gotta say, it is nothing but being told how grateful you should be that someone is taking care of you. Dude, that’s not family. Family is not about scorekeeping or who did more. It’s just about showing up. So just chill with the attitude, okay?”

“In fact, I’m better at this kind of stuff than anyone else you’ll ever meet! And until I finish making it all fancy, it’s just gonna be a glorified Halloween costume. So when I tell you the suit is not ready, that means if you go out there right now, you’re gonna die. You will die. And then what? You– you’re not gonna be helping anyone.”

“Lyra, you aren’t, like, some experience to me, okay? You are potentially a real, fulfilling, challenging relationship.”

“When I lay in
bed at night, staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep, I’m not wondering why
dad finally, suddenly snapped. No, it doesn’t haunt me. What haunts me is you.
You left me when I needed you the most with no explanation, no goodbye.”

“You are
literally impervious to bullets, and I’m worried for your safety right now.”

Winn: “What, how- That’s Cat’s elevator.”
Kara: “It is absolutely ridiculous for her to have her own personal elevator. Plus, horrible for the environment.”
Winn: “You are literally impervious to bullets, and I’m worried for your safety right now.”

Hornevian Types/Social Styles in the Enneagram

The Hornevian Groups were created and named for Karen Horney, who first suggested there were groupings based on how people interact with others in order to meet their own needs. Enneagram was not specifically created with these groups in mind, however the types fit neatly into the three groups. There are three different groups; the assertive types are 3, 7 and 8, the compliant types are 1, 2 and 6 and the withdrawn types are 4, 5, 9.

Note: Each type wants to gain different things depending on whether they are thinking/head (5, 6, 7), feeling/heart (2, 3, 4) or instinctive/gut types (8, 9, 1). Generally, the thinking triad desires security, the feeling triad desires attention and the instinctive triad desires autonomy.

Assertive Types (3, 7, 8): These types are very proactive and direct as they go after what they believe they need. They have strong ideas of what they want and they will act to get their needs met. They can sometimes seem to have a sense of importance or entitlement about them as a result. These types can be independent and assertive, but can seem aggressive and demanding to others. Simply put, they move against others to get what they want (e.g. rebelling or challenging others).

Compliant Types (1, 2, 6): These types are usually very obedient of rules and other people’s feelings and opinions more generally. They attempt to earn their desires and are very driven by their superegos (their moral code, what they ‘should’ do). These types would usually be considered the ‘goody-two shoes’ of the enneagram. These types are usually committed, hard-working and responsible, however they can have a hard time relaxing and letting loose. These types are compliant to those around them, and can often overlook their own needs in favour of others and can seem self-sacrificing.

Withdrawn Types (4, 5, 9): These types withdraw from others and can often seem quite disengaged with the outer world. They withdraw to both deal with their needs and to get their needs met. They can be introspective, imaginative, but they can have trouble taking charge or being direct with others. They are sometimes more involved in their dreams and fantasies, rather than reality. Generally, these types move away from people to get what they want (e.g. withdrawing, becoming introverted).

These groups are easily identifiable, and can often be the cause of mistypings and misidentifications. For example, 6s and 1s are often misidentify with one or the other, as they are both very compliant and obedient towards belief systems. However, 1s are more focused on their own moral code, whereas 6s are more focused on external belief systems or authority figures.

If there is any interest in a particular type, we’re happy to do a post on the specifics, as this a very general overview 😊

Harmonic Types in the Enneagram

These types show how a person will react and cope when they do not get what they want. They reveal the way our personality defends against loss, conflict and disappointment. There are three different groups for the enneagram. They are the positive outlook types (2, 7, 9), the competent types (1, 3, 5) and the reactive types (4, 6, 8).

Positive Outlook: (2, 7, 9): These types react to conflict and disappointment by trying to adopt a ‘positive’ attitude. They will try to reframe the situation in a positive light, and are often considered ‘glass half-full’ people. These types will often deny that they even have a problem, and will try to tell others that they are fine. 2s, 7s, and 9s also often have trouble balancing the needs of themselves with the needs of others around them. For example, 2s focus too much on the needs of others, 7s focus too much on their own needs and 9s can oscillate between the two. As a result, they will often not face their problems head-on and will try to deny their existence.

Competency: (1, 3, 5): These types react to conflict in an unemotional, objective and detached way. They have learnt to put aside their own problems in favour of ‘getting the job done.’ They often try to use logic to solve problems, and expect others will do the same, so they cannot understand the reactions of other types (especially the reactive types). 1s, 3s and 5s are confused about their role in systems and structures, and how much they should follow the rules of said structure. For example, 1s operate within the rules, 3s can do both depending on their goals and 5s often operate outside of the rules. Consequently, they approach their problems in the same way.

Reactive: (4, 6, 8): These types react emotionally to conflicts and their thinking can often be clouded by their feelings and emotions. They want others to react similarly to their problems, and will have strong opinions on certain things. They may be the type to want others to terminate friendships with others because they don’t like them or they betrayed their trust. They deal with their problems quickly and often explode, however after the explosion of emotion they will often move on more quickly than other types. 4s, 6s and 8s are concerned with control and fear being betrayed by others. For example, 4s subconsciously want to be taken care of, 6s want to both take care of and be taken care of and 8s want to be providers and take care of others.

If there is interest, we are happy to elaborate on specific types, as this is just a general overview 😊